Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Slow going

Ack..I hate shopping.  We split the list and attacked and came home with four more gifts..well five if you count “The Dove” gift.  Gifts that go to Nursing Home Residents.

I have wrapping paper now and Christmas letter paper that is kinda summery with butterflies…it was either that or clouds or Happy Birthday..so butterflies won.

Chance is a little under the weather.  I think he has a touch of pancreatitis cause he threw up his morning biscuit yesterday with lots of bile.  He had a quiet day resting at home and seemed better by last evening.  Possibly someone shared some salami with the poor begging dog. Someone will not do that again. 

In the sub zero wind chills Chance and his friend with the salami didn’t make it to the mailbox on their walk…the three legged dog hopped back home to warm up.  Just as well as there were some packages waiting at the mailbox.

Town was a little busy.  Wal-Mart had six checkouts open that is three more than normal.

In town just before sunset

  This was just before sunset at about 4:20.  The days are getting shorter and shorter.

I am hoping for a very productive day today…we shall see.

Gift count: eight bought and seven ordered.  Gifts wrapped: none.  Cookies made: none. Christmas letters: Complete!  Homemade ornaments: Complete!  Homemade gifts: in progress.  Decorations…none except the snow outside and a pine cone wreath.  15 days and counting.

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  1. Now who would give Chance salami? Hope Chance is feeling better. My christmas shopping this year ( because we just moved and I can't find anything) will be a check sent to each gift recipient. Maybe later when I find myself again I will send some gifts. Can't even find my Christmas decor to put out. It is bitter cold here also --4 this AM and that is out of the wind.

  2. We are finally beginning to warm up a little, and by Thursday it should be close to 50. I'm glad the worst is behind us, at least for now. I sure hope Chance gets to feeling better, he's my favorite blogging doggy! Love your new header. :-)

  3. I think I must qualify as "someone" in our house. Oh O.

  4. Brrr. I woke up to hear that it's zero degrees here and quite a lot colder where you are. It takes a lot of energy just to do the most basic errands! Stay warm, safe, and healthy!

  5. Hope Chance feels better soon. The sky is pretty but I know it is so cold. Our 9 days of rain ended last night and today is super windy, temps in the 40's. Hope your day goes smoothly!

  6. Oh poor Chance ~ I did walk to the mailbox yesterday and on my way back I wished I had a facemask on - it was cold! Sounds like you are doing well on your Christmas project! I am working on Christmas Round 2 :)

  7. That last picture is pretty, but it looks COLD! About an inch of snow here, hovering just below the freezing mark. No wind, which makes such a huge difference. Quick recovery to Chance.

  8. Our climes aren't nearly as extreme as yours, but we are entering another round of snow. Poor Chance -- hope he feels better!

  9. It does look cold, but everytime I hear that your sunset is a hour later then ours...I just sigh. LOL. Hope that Chance feels better soon.


  10. "Somebody" is always the culprit at my house.

    Sounds like you had a productive day. Give Chance a scratch behind the ears for me. I hope he is feeling better today.

  11. Hey, you're way ahead of me, if that's any consolation! Hope Chance is feelin' better :)

  12. I enjoy your posts! Hope Chance is feeling better. Walmart!!!

  13. You are well on your way to being ready!!!!

  14. Chance, I hope you get better soon. Far side, I seem to always wait until the last minute for Christmas, but I do have the son just about done and the hubby has one, and the daughter has one. Hmmm, I have a ways to go.

  15. Oh shopping, I dislike it more and more. But I need to get out there too. Maybe after work today I can get some done.
    Hugs to Chance, and no more salami!!!

  16. My in-laws had a dog. Both MIL and FIL would feed Buddy things he should not have but he would beg for them. He had two bad bouts with pancreatitis requiring surgery. You all know how to handle it though and have someone disciplined over Chance's diet.
    The sunset is beautiful. That is very early though. But the good news is the days will begin to lengthen again in a couple of weeks.

  17. It is tough stuff when they start to vomit. Barney had to be given a shot to stop vomiting and it allowed him to sleep a lot to get over it. Thinking about you Chance good fellow.

  18. I can't stand shopping this time of year. Hope Chance is back to his old self soon!

  19. It sounds like you're makin a list and checkin it twice.

  20. Whew--I still have a lot to do. Gifts purchased or ordered: none; Gifts wrapped:none; Christmas letters and card: 100% complete. Decorating: none; Cookies baked: none. Thank goodness, I tend to work well under tight deadlines. :)

  21. Oh, poor Chance! I can't say I blame him...I'm not one for salami, either...hope he does much better in the morning.

  22. Hope Chance is better! And you've been busy - reminds me that I better actually buy some presents. Oh, and decorate the house - still not done!

    If it's any consolation, your days are long! We're dark by 15.15 already!

  23. Get well wishes to Chance! A begging Best Friend is hard to resist. I like the way you shop. If I had some help I'd pass off the whole list and go snowshoeing! Stay warm.

  24. Poor Chance. My girls were sick too...I think it was our Thanksgiving visitors. You're way ahead of me on Christmas. Swiss Colony is looking better and better.

  25. I hope Chance is much much better! I get that whenever I eat bacon!


    ¸.•*¨*•♪♫♫♪Merry Christmas ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥

  26. Does poor Chance have the same problem as I do with spicy foods! Poor guy!
    I'd say being out at the shopping centers is making huge progress and if you get the shiny brites tree up you should leave it up till Valentine's Day--LOL! Or maybe Easter. ;)


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