Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

Leftovers, too many cookies, boxes to recycle and a few bent spoons mark another Christmas.

At one point daughter Jen announced all electronic devices would be turned off for awhile.  The children complied although several asked “What if I get a call?”

They survived.

After church on Christmas Eve we enjoyed a wonderful meal of smoked ribs (Andy smoked them in his smoker), cooked carrots, corn (frozen from last summer), baked beans and cornbread (Jen’s specialty).  Steve and Jo joined us and my parents stopped by later. Dessert was served: Raspberry White Chocolate Cheesecake, Tiramisu Cheesecake, Pumpkin Bread, Cookies and Mexican Mud Balls. Uffda.

We played Quelf and then the Grandgirls requested SPOONS.  Spoons is played with a deck of cards, you put one less spoon than players in the center of the table, players are dealt four cards, the dealer picks up a card from the remaining deck looks at it and can switch it out to make four of a kind.  The cards the dealer doesn’t want are passed as fast as they can be around the table.  The first person to get four cards the same grabs a spoon, which is a signal to the rest of the players to grab a spoon, the person with out a spoon gets an S then a P etc… to spell SPOONS when you have spelled SPOONS you are out of the game.  I was forced out after my husband dived for a spoon across the table…Maddie sustained a sore toe and a scrape on her foot from a spoon fight.  One spoon was bent beyond recognition.  It was a loud and rousing game with lots of giggling and hollering.

The stockings

The stockings were loaded before lights out.

Christmas morning breakfast was eggs, bacon, sausage patties, peach french toast and Far Guys famous caramel rolls.

Birth Order DEcember 25v 2013

Youngest to oldest.

Tallest to shortest December 25 2013

Shortest to tallest.

After the stockings we exchanged a few gifts.  Then we did a “White Elephant” gift exchange which was great fun!

After everyone left for other gatherings we had a nap including Chance who was exhausted.

I am glad it is over.  More memories were made.

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  1. Sounds like a great day. The thought of home-frozen corn brought back memories. Nothing else tastes quite that good.

  2. Wow! That's a lot of food... no wonder you have leftovers. I never heard of SPOONS, which would be pretty hard on the silverware, it seems. What a great family you've got, Connie. Thanks for sharing them with me for the holidays. :-)

  3. Sounds so perfect Connie.....beautiful family and that's what it's all about, making new memories, Blessings Francine.

  4. I remember playing spoons as a child - great fun. Some wonderful memories were made at your house. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  5. Spoons is a fun game: I sustained a few wounds myself while playing with my nieces and nephews years ago. Lots of laughs.

  6. SPOONS sounds like good fun! It sounds like some sort of protective gear should be warn. I've never heard of the game.
    It's great that you had a good Christmas.
    You had some super eats.

  7. Fun to see the photos and hear about the festivities. Glad you got some well deserved rest. Give Chance a hug from me!
    Pls remember my elderly friend Mary. I sat by her side yesterday; she is near the end and ready to go to her Heavenly Home.

  8. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas...lots of food and fun! I spent Monday the 23rd with my friend and his family as they celebrated their Christmas. His grandkids played Spoons too. It gets pretty wild but with lots of shouting and laughing. I spent Christmas Eve at my daughters and we did a white elephant exchange too. Santa, Mrs. Clause and 2 elves showed up with gifts. It was quite a surprise and I will post about it soon.

  9. Spoons sounds like a really fun game.
    Your menu sounds delicious. I would love a piece of that cheesecake.

  10. I like the fact that you play such great games so everybody can have some hilarious fun. The food sounds fabulous... Ooh, and a nap. I need one of those, very soon. :)

  11. Sounds and looks like a great time! I have rec'd my Santa Claus pod ornament - thank you so much! For somebody that Christmas isn't your favorite holiday you sure do so many things to make it special for those around you - that is making memories!

  12. I am so happy you had a holiday full of love and loved ones. That's the best kind.

  13. It was wonderful to catch up on all of your Christmas happenings from the past few days, while I was AFT (Away from technology). It sounds like you had a great time. Would you believe, one of my other friends also commented about playing spoons on Christmas?!!

  14. That game of spoons sounded like quite the workout! It's a good thing there was so much delicious food on hand to sustain such strenuous activity!

  15. Sounds like a perfect Christmas! Church, food, family, fun and laughter and more food! LOL! What a great family you have...on to the New Year!

  16. Sounds like a very fun Christmas!

  17. I've never heard of spoons, but it sounds perfect for a gang of kids like your grands. What fun! And then blissful quiet.

  18. I'm going to have to try the Spoons idea. Our family game of Steak Knives hasn't worked out that great.

  19. I'm with you...I'm glad it's over also. Terry and I are going to change up the dinner menu...more real food and less sweets...we were tired to the core.

    ¸.•*¨*•♪♫♫♪HAPPY NEW YEAR ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥

  20. I think young people will expire if the internet is not working. Kids at school are seriously addicted. Your Christmas sounds like a really special one. Stockings are fun for the kids and the adults who stuff them. Your grands are sure growing. Those guys are going to be tall. Family is a lot of fun and then one has to rest. Great post.

  21. Spoons is new to me. Sounds like a great Christmas, Connie! :) :)


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