Friday, December 20, 2013

Best Friends

We may be a tad cranky with each other as we age…but we will always be best friends, a shoulder to lean or cry upon and someone to throw you kisses across the room if you are kinda cranky.   Someone who can almost read your mind and gets better at it as the years pass you by. 

How many years has it been?  Forty four..seems like only yesterday or maybe the day before and here we are two daughters and five grands later.


Here is a link to some old wedding photos.

December 20, 1969

Blog Signature


  1. Anniversary wishes, Blessings Francine.

  2. I loved looking at your wedding pictures. 44 years ago! Wow! Congratulations to both of you, and I know what you mean about maybe being a bit more cranky in the later years but loving each other just as much. Or more. :-)

  3. Happy Anniversary!!!! :) Getting old isn't for sissies - but it must be easier when there is a "love of my life" to share it with!


  4. Happy Anniversary! See you later!

  5. Happy Anniversary! We had 61 years in August. Here's to many more for you guys!

  6. Happy Anniversary! I enjoyed the pictures of your wedding. I haven't been married quite as many years as you, but I know what you mean about it seeming like yesterday (or the day before). I have the same feeling sometimes.

  7. Congrats and Happy Anniversary. I did look back at your wedding photos… Gorgeous--even the black rimmed glasses!!!!! ha

    Merry Christmas to you two…

  8. Wow, 44 years......a Christmas Wedding!! Congrats to you both, and here's to many more years:)

  9. Congratulations, to you and Far Guy!

  10. How wonderful, Happy Anniversary to you two!
    And Merry Christmas too!

  11. How sweet. Happy Anniversary. I enjoyed the wedding pictures.

  12. Happy Anniversary! Merry Christmas! 44 years, that is wonderful! I sure agree with you about being best of friends! Happy Anniversary to Far Guy too ;)

  13. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! ♥

  14. Happy Anniversary! I can relate to your words about being best friends. Tom and I were married in March of 1969. Wow, we're coming up on 45! How can that be!
    I followed the link to your wedding photos. Fun, and familiar!

  15. on WEdnesday the 18th we celebrated 31 years. WE are so blessed

  16. Happy Anniversary! We are celebrating 38 years today. We have been blessed with a son and daughter. I am hoping for grandchildren, but the daughter-in-law shakes her head...No!

  17. Thank you for sharing your wedding photo memories! How sweet!

    Congratulations to both of you on your forty-fourth year!

  18. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!
    Love the photos...thanks for sharing!

  19. Happy Anniversary! Today is 46 for Terry and I. The time has gone really fast, don't you think?
    ¸.•*¨*•♪♫♫♪Merry Christmas ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥

  20. Belated Happy Anniversary! I love your wedding photos and your title, Best Friends. It's a precious thing to have a best friend who has been with us for a major portion of our lives.

  21. Awww - how lovely! Hope you lovebirds had a wonderful day.


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