Saturday, August 10, 2013


Changes can be stressful.  Especially when changes are happening inside the house.  No not a renovation or anything fancy.  Just a new furnace, high efficiency LP that is supposed to be 14 X 29 inches.  I don’t know how tall it is only the footprint that concerns me.

The utility room in this house was a huge mistake to begin with.  Not enough space was allotted in the original plan.  I thought I would have room for a regular washer and dryer..think again they ended up in the kitchen. It didn’t make much difference it was a few years until we finished the kitchen anyway.  Later we bought a Maytag Stacker and it does fit in the utility room but space is limited, what with a water heater, a pressure tank for the well, a sewage lift pump all necessities of course and they all take up space and are mostly immovable.

I hope that the “fixes” we have planned gain some space.  Time will tell.  We are both cranky when it comes to discussing this renovation, which involves some re-plumbing etc.  The 14 year old pressure tank that rarely lasts 10 years will be replaced with a smaller sleeker one.

I made a footprint of this new furnace out of paper and shoved it all over the wall where it should go. I wonder what it will look like in each space I pick, will it work?   It is smaller than the air exchanger that it replaces. 

The old outside wood stove was sold and hauled away yesterday.  One less thing for the kids to worry about.

It was a good outdoor kept us and our water warm for 14 years.

Josh moving the woodstove

It is the end of an era for us, no more wood hauling, cutting, stacking or splitting:)

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  1. Hope it all works out smoothly.

  2. Change is hard, but it seems this will be a good one, benefiting you and yours for years to come. :-)

  3. 14 years of hauling, splitting, cutting, and stacking wood can wear a body out.

  4. Yes, there's lots of disruption when a furnace is installed. I hope you get more space. You're going to miss your old wood stove!

  5. How is your new furnace powered - is it gas or electric? I don't know what you can get in your location? Shirley H.

  6. Wishing the "fixes" go smoothly.

  7. Oh I don't envy you. Not only is the work a mess, it is so stressful worrying about getting things right. It will be so nice when it is finished and a lot less work for you in the winter. Maybe you need to mix up some of those margaritas - a few of them and you'll forget about that footprint...and everything else too. :)

  8. Funny how some projects are at least initially fun, while others are just grim, get-through-it work. But you're gaining space and freedom from cutting wood. Worth celebrating when it's all done!

  9. That IS the end of an era! Hopefully, winter will be easier without all that wood chopping...

  10. Keep thinking about the no more wood hauling, cutting, stacking or splitting when you are frustrated. the light at the end of the tunnels, so to speak. I hope it all goes smoothly. :)

  11. Some changes can be good. I think that is the case for you.

  12. Can totally sympathize with the "cranky" feelings. I felt just about the same last November when we were tearing up carpet and putting in new flooring--and that isn't anywhere near the renovation work you are doing!

  13. Renovation is difficult to live through but I hope you love your gas furnace as much as we do. We stay very, very warm - - - so much better than electric. I hope you don't miss the wood - - but it's one less reason to have to get out in the snow and cold!!!

  14. I am thinking we need to do the 'no more wood' is becoming a job!



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