Friday, August 2, 2013


Sometimes I would like to be a deer hidden in the woods. (Except for the bugs)

Hidden Deer

She thought she was hidden.  She came out of a corn field lickety split in front of us and hid in the brush.

Todds trees

My cousin Todd has a tree farm…perfect spot to hide…

Deer in the tree farm

A doe and a fawn that still has spots.

The tree farm is right next to a luscious pea field…yummy yummy. A safe place to raise a  fawn…everything they need but water.  I suppose they head for the lake in the early morning…possibly through the corn field.  Gotta love the area farmers…sharing with the wildlife:)

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  1. Lucky you were able to catch them with your camera. I've seen my share of deer in the countryside, but usually they are too quick for me.

  2. Pretty pictures. Hope you have a restful weekend.

  3. Wonderful wildlife. Nice job getting their pictures.

  4. I agree, good farmer for sharing with these beautiful deer......nice pictures too, looks so pretty there, Blessings Francine.

  5. Those are some very pretty pictures. You did a good job in capturing them in action.

  6. I watched the deer jump the fence in the neighbor's yard and eat everything in sight. Taught the youngsters how to do it, too. Now that I have a garden myself, I feel entirely different about this activity. So far they have not been able to jump OUR fence. :-)

  7. Sometimes they are so spooky. And then again not. Yesterday Mrs. T (Barb) and I went for a hike in Austin at the Jay Hormel five hundred acre nature reserve and coming around a corner on the trail caught a doe and a fawn in the bushes not twenty feet away. They though they were hidden and we all stood staring at each others for several minutes....:)

  8. The deer love peas...unfortunately I've learned that first hand.

  9. Another delicacy for deer are tulips - they nibble them right down to the ground.

  10. The deer have helped themselves to a few of our flowers. I guess I don't mind, too much, since they have left so many others alone.

  11. It's hard not to share with these critters. They're pretty sneaky. We often pass them and never know they're there.

  12. Not so sure the area farmers are as happy about sharing with the wildlife...

  13. Yes my friend on the other side of town watches as the deer nibble at his beans and peas. I guess people at night come in and fill up bags with tomatoes. What a country.

  14. I am amazed you got close enough to get the pictures. The little fawns are so sweet. I know they do a lot of damage to crops and gardens and cars, but I still love them.


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