Thursday, August 29, 2013

Hot! Hot! Hot!

People touring the museum from Arizona yesterday were sweating like butchers.  They told me to turn up the AC.  I told them I didn’t have any…and was lucky to have a couple of fans. 

Poor Tess (a Volunteer) started to melt about 3 PM she told me “You should leave early it is miserable in here.”  Of course I didn’t …I had projects to do…but I do move slower in the heat. 

Back at home Chance had a new friend visit.   A golden /whitish short haired dog about his size with a collar, Chance showed him his pool and his water dish and they took turns marking spots in the yard.  He must be a tourist dog just visiting the area.  Far Guy could not get close enough to him to  look at his tags…and then the dog took off through the woods and did not return.

It was great fun last night watching the sunset.  What a relief to have one more hot day behind us.

Sunset Aug 28

As the sun was setting, the air became instantly cooler.  We could smell the sweet grass that had been mowed in the ditch…it smells like vanilla.  It is one of those smells that is truly Minnesota at it’s best at the end of a hot day.

Our Internet and phone service is still intermittent.  They thought they fixed it everyday this week…no such luck yet:(

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  1. Sorry to hear you are still having trouble with your internet and phone.

  2. The sunset is gorgeous. I think I would like that sweet grass smell. For me it is the evening smell of an Illinois cornfield after a long hot summer afternoon that feels like the best part of the day.

  3. Yesterday was a real scorcher here also. I think cooler weather is on the way though. I Sure hope they get your phone and internet fixed soon. Lucky Chance having a friend visit yesterday - hope it wasn't lost or anything; but just visiting Chance. I see too many abandoned dogs at the animal shelter

  4. I do hope it gets cooler in your part of the country soon. We have our usual weather, and the rain has returned in full force. Last night it woke me up drumming on the roof. And today is our hike. Sigh. I'll get to use my rain gear for the first time in a while.

  5. So sorry you're dealing with a heat wave. I wonder if it will make its way to us in New England. And what a sweet image of Chance's hospitality.

  6. Morning, melting here too, yuk....hope all gets better real soon, Francine.

  7. We woke to 72 degrees this morning. I am going to go mow right away in areas that haven't been mowed in a month or so. School is out at 1:00 the next two days. I remember hot in Minnesota is miserable as you usually have lake temperatures to help you cool off normally. The lake would be warm to swim in during those hot days.

  8. Hot here, too.
    When we first lived in coastal SC we didn't have AC - not in our house or in our cars. We did have nice large windows that opened wide, so we could capture whatever bit of breeze there might be. I found that as long as I didn't go into AC I was fine - but yes, I moved slower (AND, I was a lot younger and a lot more tolerant of heat!).
    This heat will pass, and soon we will be complaining of the cold!

  9. I assume if they were "marking" the lawn, the visitor wasn't a lady friend. :) Wouldn't want Chance to be a dad (and not even know it!)

    1. I think the other dog was a neutered male too. Oh puppies are a wonderful thought...but as responsible pet owners Chance was neutered long ago:)

  10. Wow - what a stunning sunset!

  11. Beautiful sunset picture - we have had many nice sunsets lately! Fall is coming other than the heat we have many signs of fall ~ happy countdown to "do what you want to do"!

  12. Beautiful sunset shot . There's lots of dust in the air so you get the brilliant red. There must be a lot of combining going on. We are a long way from combining.

  13. What constitutes "hot" in your viewpoint? I ask because I once overheard a couple of waitress in West St. Paul talking and one said, "I can handle heat--even the seventies--but if it gets up to 80, I can't do that."

    We're having some warm days this week--90-ish--but nothing like the month of triple-digits we got last year.

    1. Over 85 and just as much humidity. I would say it is not so much the temperature as the humidity:)

  14. We finally have some rain, but it is still warm and very humid, 80 degrees and high humidity, just like I was happy to leave in Ohio. that is unusual for us. Rain usually means cooling.
    Wishing you relief from the heat.

  15. This has been rather a perfect summer here, and I'm not looking forward to winter. I don't mind the heat when the ac is working and if I don't have to do anything strenuous in it. We have a lot of humidity too, but the nights are wonderful. There is a hint of fall in the air now that the August full moon is over; mornings are a little cooler, but still hot during the day.

  16. You know, reading your words, I am sure I could almost smell that sweet grass all the way over here.

  17. We have SkyBeam for internet and phone seems they are always 'in repair' drives me nuts!!! If I could trade to a better service I would in a heatbeat!


  18. The heat has to keep people away from the museum, too. Sorry. But that capture of the sunset--priceless!! :)


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