Saturday, August 3, 2013

Music in Menahga

You wouldn’t expect much from the little berg of Menahga ( pronounced MEN aw gah).  Population at the last census of 1,306 Finns.  Menahga means “blueberry bush” in the Chippewa language and the Blueberry River runs through town.


The town was able to snag one of those fancy smancy grants from an Art Council and they have been having a series of concerts on Friday nights all summer. (Bringing arts and culture to the backwoods.)

Far Guy and I had a date night!  By the way all these concerts are free..they did pass a bucket, in hopes that they will raise enough money to continue the music series next summer.   It is a simple venue, the band sits on a flat bed trailer near Spirit Lake, and the concert goers bring their own chairs.  Neighbors Steve and Jo went along with date night!


The music was wonderful, a blend of Irish and Celtic music by a band called Ring of Kerry.  It was a beautiful relaxing evening looking out over the lake as the sun set. Did I say the band was awesome?  Well they were and you all know the only music I am half fond of is old rock and roll.

Spirit Lake

Can you imagine how songs about drinkin’ and sailin’ and fighting over land along a river could entertain a bunch of Finlanders?  Maybe we all had a hard week and it was just nice to sit in a chair and be entertained! :)

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  1. Smile, what a wonderful date night, beautiful scenery , Francine.

  2. That actually sounds like a most perfect date night. Great music, great company, and scenery like that, who could ask for more? :-)

  3. We all know that *you* certainly had a trying week. Glad you got to relax.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. What a date! I think I need to have a talk with the hubby:-)

  5. Sounds lovely. Were mosquitoes invited?

  6. An evening of music wrapped in the fading light sounds divine, especially if violins (fiddles) are involved. I hope the community can find funding for the concert series next year.

  7. Since that's my heritage, I love Celtic music -- the old standards, the little known tunes, Celtic Rock -- all of it soothes and settles me. I'm glad it touched you, too.

  8. I love Celtic music to . We have a week of free concerts and BBQ's this month going on in one of our small towns fair grounds . A good date that's for sure ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  9. Sounds like a lovely date night! Such a pretty picture and I enjoyed listening to their music. Such a treat!

  10. Sounds wonderful. I love an outdoor concert.

  11. That is one of those perfect sky shots of Minnesota in the evening. The colors in the sky I have tried to paint many times but can one blend the sky like the real thing.

  12. What a lovely evening! And I learned two new things about the name of Menahga today: pronunciation and meaning. Now I'm going to look up exactly where it is. :)

  13. We have a similar summer thing here in our little town. And our local band is the "Irish Minstrels. Yes years ago after some bar hopping on a Sat. night I did have a sauna in Menagha. And then there is somber story of the Uncle of someone I knew who err. roasted to death in the establishment. Sorry I couldh't
    help but bring that up....;(

  14. Sounds absolutely heavenly..and that sunset is amazing. We have the same type of thing here in the park in our little town, But then again I can listen to the neighbor's jamming in his garage and not have to leave.


  15. What a bequtiful setting for a concert! Summer outdoor music events are so fun, kind of a treat for all the senses. Usually good people-watching opportunities too! We have music in the park every Thursday evening. Looking forward to the awesome local high school band this week.

  16. I clicked and took in some of their music, Connie, and I could just picture you relaxing outside listing to the band. Very nice for a double date night!! ;)


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