Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Bleeding Hearts

 Jen has some beautiful Bleeding Hearts right next to the front walk. 

I am surprised that they didn’t winter kill right next to the sidewalk.  The Hosta nearby will take over once the Bleeding Heart dies back and disappears…it is always good to have a plant in the same area so if you are watering the roots of the Bleeding Heart get some water. 

I had another busy day with Sadie and Little Elvis. One day I left them to nap and went to Hobby Lobby, I have several projects in the works that I needed supplies for…and now I have a few more projects!  I wandered down almost every aisle. Yarn may have been purchased.

The big excitement was Phoebes escape…she scooted out the front door…I figured she was lost forever…she came home a few hours later. 

Phoebe is Adam’s cat…he was at work when she went missing.  I told Phoebe she is on my you know what list.

I intended to read a book while I was here BUT some dog does not like me reading.

The Grandboys are in charge of the critters now as I am headed back home to Far Guy.

Far Side


  1. So happy that Phoebe came home; that wasn't nice of her to try to escape on an adventure. My Bleeding Hearts have taken over my south garden. Seems like they grow"wild" over there.

  2. That sounds like it was a wild day!

    Charlie likes to snuggle when I read a book.

    Good to know Phoebe came back and that some yarn might have been picked up.

    I haven't gone to a craft store in ages. I wonder if I could walk through one without making a purchase?

  3. They are sure pretty. I bet FG is glad to see you back home.

  4. Oh, those pets. Sounds like a fun little visit. I love those bleeding hearts. Karen

  5. I must have been reading too fast yesterday and did not realize you were watching the pets at their home rather than yours.
    Thanks for the pics and updates!

  6. That sounds like an exciting day! Phoebe would be on my list too. I can imagine how worried you were about her.
    A Hobby Lobby trip sounds wonderful. I love times I go alone that I can just wander around and look at everything. That store is like Christmas to me!
    Dennis cut the bleeding hearts back a little bit last week. They have grown so much he couldn't get the mower in the back yard without running them over. Are we supposed to cut them back after they bloom? This is all new to me.
    I'm sure Far Guy is looking forward to having you back home again. These guys seem to miss us when we're gone.

  7. I'm guessing Far Guy is more than ready to have you home again. :) So glad your duty of animal sitting is done. ~Andrea xoxo

  8. Knowing cats, I suspect Phoebe doesn't care she's on that list. :) I'm glad she returned home.
    My bleeding heart made it through the winter and now it has teeny tiny hearts on it.
    Safe travels home.

  9. I'm glad that Phoebe was smart and returned home! I'm sure she's "grounded" for the rest of your stay.

  10. Naughty Phoebe! That's a beautiful Bleeding Heart. I've not been successful growing those. I bet Far Guy is happy to have you home.

  11. Naughty Phoebe! Glad she came home. Had my Mother-In-Law's cat do that to me once. I spent the whole time the cat was gone wondering what I was going to say to my Mother-In-Law. Thankfully the cat returned before my Mother-In-Law did.

    I'm sure Far Guy will be glad to have you back home.

  12. Kitties are sneaky! It is SO worrisome when they are gone on their safari adventures.

    I love Bleeding Hearts but decided not to transplant any of my vigorous pink ones here. I miss them and rethinking that decision. My white ones are growing much smaller in our sandy loam, so perhaps the pink ones will too.

  13. Bad Pheobe!!!!
    Burton is our worst one for trying to sneak out. And he's super silent with his fluffy feet so you really have to watch.
    This winter he got out on me and I didn't notice for about an hour (thought he was upstairs sleeping). Thank goodness there was snow on the ground, I could follow his tracks. I don't know if I would have found him otherwise!!!

  14. I doubt making the you-know-what list doesn't phase Phoebe a bit. Cats do what cats do and that's why we either love them, or the opposite. You "may" have bought yarn? Hmmm...

  15. It's nice that you had a chance to spend some time with both the grand boys and grand dogs (and cat!). I know Sadie will miss you. I bet you are one of her favorite people!

  16. I didn't catch that you were at their place and not at yours. Regardless--sounds like a wonderful visit. :)

  17. Gorgeous Bleeding Heart! I ordered $20 worth of things from JoAnn Fabrics with free shipping. Of course what arrived did not look like the photo. I drove over to return them and ended up spending 35 dollars on other things because they were there.

  18. The cat does remember where the food dish sits so she does come. Hobby Lobby is always a great adventure. Heading home will be good.

  19. Such pretty flowers, I like the look of them

  20. Oh! You got yarn? What are you making? Another mosaic project? Do tell! Those bleeding hearts are so pretty.

  21. I love bleeding hearts! Ours are in bloom.
    Naughty Phoebe!

  22. Ah....I didn't realize you were up at Sadie's house instead of at your own. So now you're on your way back home again. You sure lead an interesting life! Glad that rascal Phoebe showed back up again. Safe travels back home. Hope far guy is doing OK!

  23. I love bleeding hearts. So beautiful. I think they come from China.


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