Thursday, June 16, 2022

Half over

 June is half over...boy that sure went fast! 

Soon it will be time to change the flag again. 

Not much happening here, yesterday I cleaned the bathroom and put a few things away.   

Started on a baby blanket.  Watched a true story on Netflix called  Molly's Game.   It was interesting and I give it an 8 out of 10.  My shoulder is doing pretty good!  A bit of pain if I do too much but Aleve helps.  My Doctor checked on me yesterday as she is going out of town. 

We had a simple supper...breakfast...scrambled eggs and bacon.

Far Side


  1. My day was a little more exciting than yours. Had coffee with a friend, had another bad storm and then went to bed. Hubby and I have eggs and bacon for dinner every couple of weeks. Glad the shoulder is healing.

  2. Yes, it's almost half over, and we still haven't had any warm weather. It's coming, I'm sure. I love the coolness myself. I'll check out that movie on Netflix.

  3. Agreed, June is going by really fast. Glad your shoulder is heading in the right direction!

  4. I quite like your flag! We have a similar one, but with a cat amongst the geranium!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  5. Isn't it amazing how fast the time seems to be speeding by? Everyone I know comments on it. I'm glad your shoulder is doing well and how nice of your doctor to check on you. I didn't realize they even did that these days.
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. It sure sounds like you have a relaxed life there on your homestead, Connie. I'm glad your shoulder is getting better by the day too. Breakfast for any meal is totally my bag. I love it. ~Andrea xoxo

  7. I'm glad your shoulder is doing better. I'm sending prayers that it continues to heal! :)

  8. Glad you are feeling better! It seems like summer is flying by!

  9. I have that movie in my watch list but haven't gotten to it yet. The month has been flying by. Glad your shoulder is gradually improving. Take it easy. :)

  10. So glad you are finally feeling some relief in your shoulder. I haven't seen lady slippers in a very long time... so pretty.

  11. Good to hear your shoulder is healing well. I'll have to add that program to my list. Someday I'll actually start watching something other than sports.

  12. Glad to hear your shoulder is improving.
    We often have scrambled eggs and bacon for dinner - usually on a Sunday when we are looking for something easy and quick :)

  13. Yes, in spite of a cold nasty spring time has moved right along so that we're looking at summer.

  14. For some reason this June I am having the hardest time remembering what day of the month it is. I guess it's all just Juneteenth right now, although I see will be celebrating it on the 20th this year. Go figure. Now that it's an official holiday it's gotta be a Monday.

  15. Not much happened here either. Grandson helped me by cutting down all the Oriental Poppies. Even the ones that were still looking good. Oh well.

  16. I just had scrambled eggs bacon and toast for supper.

  17. Your suppers always sound good, no matter what they are. I'm so glad to hear that your shoulder is getting a bit better. Sure do like your pretty. Take good care you two!

  18. I love breakfast for dinner. It seems like every month goes too fast these days!

  19. Yes they are selling fireworks like crazy and I am wondering what happened to June.

  20. What happened to your shoulder? I must have missed that. I don't have Netflix anymore but I have Prime Video and I have been watching Grantchester...English mystery with a good looking vicar... I think it's very good. Love the flag!

  21. Yes, the time is just zooming by, isn't it?

    Glad your shoulder is improving.


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