Saturday, June 18, 2022

Lilacs and a barn

 We are headed into a heatwave, high temperatures and high humidity for a few days.  We are thankful for central air conditioning.

A barn nearby, new people live here, we have not met them.   I heard a rumor that they have homes all over the world.  Who really knows for sure.   They have an asphalt drive now, it used to be dirt....before driveways it was a pasture.   Times change.   I wonder what Henry would say...he used to be the caretaker of this property...he and his coon hounds and cages of rabbits that lived near the barn. 

Far Side


  1. That barn has character. I notice when new owners start sprucing everything up to perfect, the character of a place dies and that character is what made it special.

  2. Some changes seem good but some break your heart.

  3. Sorry to hear about your heatwave. I've been noticing that much of the country is hot, but we are the exception. We won't see 70 degrees this weekend. Why does anybody need homes all over the world?

  4. We just got done with a few days of heat/humidity/storms. Good time for indoor projects in the cooled air.

    It is sad to see all the farms in our area disappearing/changing one by one. At least your neighboring farm looks well kept. Sounds like they will be occasional (and therefore quiet) neighbors.

  5. It's nice when the new neighbor keeps making improvements on the property. Sometimes that goes the opposite way. The person who bought our previous house has really let it go downhill, which is sad to see.

  6. I'm glad someone is taking care of the property instead of letting it fall into ruin. But yes, when folks say they live "the country life", they have really no idea how far off the mark they are, do they?! ~Andrea xoxo

  7. That's a nice barn but somehow barn and paved driveway don't seem to go together. I will find out if the ancient a/c still works.

  8. The new thing around here is "barndominium" like barn and condominium slashed together. People are taking a lot in the country and building what looks like a pole barn, but it is open living space with a big garage. And they are designed like barns. For so long it was log cabins. I'm not sure everyone who is building one knows what country living is like, but with the heavy rain and wind storms taking out electric poles in the past weeks, they are about to find out.

  9. So lucky you still have lilacs up there. Ours are long gone. They only last about three days when they DO come out. I remember seeing them up in Duluth during Grandma's Marathon. It was early June then. I'm impressed they are still there this late.

  10. It is a pretty barn but I wonder what the inside looks like now? Probably not very barnlike. It's REALLY hot here too. We were out running a few errands a couple of hours ago and it was 89F then with a "feels like" temperature of 102F. That was nowhere near the hottest part of the day. I'm in the A/C for the remainder of the day.
    Blessings and hugs,

  11. Interesting rumor about the new people. Perhaps you'll have a chance to meet them and learn the truth of it.

    It's hot here today for certain, but thankfully won't last. I was out briefly this morning to water containers and have been hiding indoors ever since.

    Stay cool!

  12. Heat and wind advisories here today but the humidity dropped to 34% so you can breathe out there--well, if you're not facing the wind--LOL! Supposed to be over 100 tomorrow and 90s again on Monday, too.

    I wonder if they have made it into living quarters. Looks beautiful, actually. If they don't live there all the time it should stay pretty calm and quiet, anyways, and they should be able to afford someone to mow and plow. ;)

  13. No heatwave here. Still wearing my cardigan.
    Stay cool.

  14. Change is hard, I bet Henry wouldn't like it at all. But it's not awful, and the lilacs are beautiful.

  15. That's a beautiful picture. Thanks for posting it! Yes we're going to go into the 90s on Monday....I would guess you'll get that for Father's Day! Stay cool.

  16. Pasture instead of asphalt would look much nicer. Gigi hawaii

  17. Very pretty place.
    Heatwave last week ,heatwave next week, this weekend hi in low 80's

  18. I like DJan's question," Who needs houses all over the world?" I guess because you can? I would like to see what it looks like inside.

  19. I miss my lilacs at the old place. There are just a few of them around the old part of town.

  20. Lilacs were done here so quickly! I quite enjoy them.

    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  21. That photo is card material! I wouldn't want homes all over the world...I can barely take care of this one. One small cottage in the country would be fine with me.

  22. I miss the sound of my coonhounds greeting me each morning with their loud mouth bawls.
    There is a place about a mile or so east of here that has hounds and I love hearing them in the distance.

    Another sound we had that I miss is the braying of our donkeys in the morning or sounding alarms. My neighbor to the west has one and he keeps me happy!

    Nice looking place. I still like my dirt/gravel driveway the best. Less work.

  23. I'm glad it doesn't get as hot here as it does with you. I struggle to deal with our heat as it is. Doesn't help that we don't have air conditioning over here. I mean, technically if you own the property and can afford to put it in you can, but most places don't have it even then, because it's stupidly expensive because it's so uncommon for people to get it. I bet that would change if we started regularly getting higher temperatures. At least, I hope it would, since I find anything above 70F tough to deal with.


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