Tuesday, May 3, 2022

In the yard/woods

 June is still present in our yard.

She has melted a bit but has more to go.  Even the continual rain over the weekend didn't take care of her. 

My other baby brother and she who sees robins first and I watched a doe laying down in the woods.  She gave birth but it was too early for the fawn to be born alive...most Does give birth in our area about June 1st give or take a few days either way. 

The Doe was way in the woods and we did not leave the road. I used the zoom lens on my camera to take a photo.  Later on my other baby brother checked the area and yes the fawn was stillborn and way too little to survive...weighing about a pound or two.  So sad.   You never know what causes premature labor...could have been some nutritional need that had not been met...it was a long winter for deer too and as of yet there is no green grass to eat.   This is not the first stillborn fawn that has been on our property...a year ago there was a fawn that did not survive near one of our walking trails. 

Far Side


  1. So sad, especially for the mother. It has been a rough winter everywhere.

  2. What a shame. Nature can be very sad sometimes. I hope you get some warmer weather and things green up soon.

  3. Winter has been hard for people and animals. Certainly sad about the fawn.

  4. That is sad. We’ve had no fawns born in our yard that we know of. But in summer the does often leave their babies in our trees for the day while they go to graze somewhere. They come back through and collect them later in the day. Once the fawns are big enough to keep up, then we just see them coming and going.

  5. It's nature's way, but it doesn't make it any easier. We had an unknown bunny nest near our front porch. Our cameras caught a scuffle with an unknown predator last night and in the morning we found the mutilated babies. Breaks my heart.

  6. How sad about the fawn. I hope the mother is okay.

  7. Life that never was. What a sad thought.

  8. That is so sad for the doe. I wonder if they wonder whats happening when they lose a baby.
    I think my date for June may have passed too. :-)

  9. That is sad, but I always try to remember that Nature knows what is best even if I don't always understand. I watched a documentary last night about sea turtles - of the thousands of young ones that race down the beach after hatching, only a couple will ever reach adulthood. That made me sad too.

  10. Poor doe. I know how horses react, they know. There is a lot of calling out when the foals body is removed. I've had it happen twice. I wonder about a doe?

  11. That is really tough. What an honour that she was comfortable in your woods, though.

  12. We love animals, especially babies, and hate to see them suffer or not survive.

  13. So sad about the little fawn. Wish it could have made it!

  14. A sad event with the doe but you did get to learn something by direct observation.

  15. Mother Nature knows best, even when it's cruel.

  16. So sad for the mother.
    June may just last till June at this rate. ;)

  17. So sad. Always a shame when that happens.


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