Sunday, May 29, 2022


 The Trillium is in bloom.  Just one bloom. 

It is a beauty! 

Here is it's spot along the edge of the woods with the Daylilies. Years ago there were two plants...not sure who ate the other one.  HA!

Far Guy and I had a quiet Saturday.  We visited with one of my cousins in the morning and then in the afternoon Far Guy took me out for lupper....enjoyed on an open air patio.  

 It was quite warm here yesterday 76 F  or 24 C eh!   The Piss Popples sometimes known as Aspen are puking out their annual fuzz....the air is filled with it...just like snow. 

The skeeters are HUGE!  I have not seen them so big or in such great numbers this time of year.  Some one once said the State Bird of Minnesota should be a mosquito.

Far Side


  1. hahahahah...on that. We used to say it all of the time when we spent summers in NW Wisconsin, that...and the huge biting flies!

    The gnats have officially arrived here. Now I wear my nifty head net and old long sleeved shirt sprayed with Buggin's Gnat spray. It works fairly well.

    Hope you can enjoy some time out doors ? Our bug season is generally not too horrible.

  2. The trillium is so beautiful...
    Sunday again! Have a fantastic day and take care :)

  3. We often only eat breakfast and lupper on the weekends.

  4. Yeah, we've got a lot of pesky critters this year too...more than in years past. Mosquitoes, spiders, etc. Even the toads are chirping at night *much* earlier in the season. When we go outside after dark, it sounds like it's the first week in August out there! Weird! Piss Popples puking... *hahahaha*. ~Andrea xoxo

  5. That is a beautiful trillium! Sorry to hear about your State Bird being so annoying. :-)

  6. I’m having gnats. They love me. Guess I should be glad for some attention.

  7. Same in Ontario. The poplars aren't blooming yet though. The black flies seem to be done but the mozzies are ramping up. Dog and I spent quite a bit of time in the forest yesterday. It was fine going in, but the B***RS chased us out late afternoon.

  8. Skeeters are out here, too, and it’s early for them. Hopefully, they will die in this week’s cold snap. The most aggressive skeeters I’ve ever seen were in your area. I had itchy welts for weeks!

  9. Keep those skitters! We have all that white fuzz floating in the air, lots of sneezing and sniffling going on. Your temperatures are perfect!

  10. One year we vacationed traveling through MN Wisconsin and the UP. One of the rest stop areas had a sign that had a photo of a giant mosquito , calling them the state air force.
    They were so thick there you ran to and from the car to the rest room building.

  11. We hit 89 yesterday. I haven't seen or felt any mosquitos yet, but I know they are coming. The trillium is pretty.

  12. You can keep your mosquitoes. I haven't seen one yet.

  13. The trillium is beautiful. My jack-in-the-pulpit took a hit this spring from a freeze. It is barely up and bruised. I have one wild flower growing in my yard that I think is a clover. A photo will be shared as a joke.

  14. That Trillium is beautiful and all the more so since it's the only one.

  15. I thought your state bird WAS the mosquito! LOL! People in Iowa think so but you know what IOWA stands for don't you? Idiots Out Wandering Around! LOL!

  16. That trillium is so frilly, so lovely.
    Mosquitoes are my nemesis. They love to suck my blood and the bits itch forever. How do you avoid them there?

  17. was always fascinated with Trillium in Michigan. Have not seem any since we moved to Iowa. Don't even know if it resides here.

  18. Love that single beautiful trillium. I also thought the state bird for Minnesota was the mosquito. Ha! So far I haven't noticed any here but I know they'll be around soon. That was one thing I didn't miss in Washington. We rarely ever had them.
    And your description of Aspens made me laugh. That's hilarious.
    We're in another tornado watch tonight. We only had one last year but several already this spring. It was SO hot and humid yesterday and today. I sure didn't venture out much after we got home from church. Just let the puppies out and went next door to give Mom her injection this evening. Otherwise staying comfy in the A/C.
    Take care!

  19. I love the trillium. It is such a special and beautiful flower. Be careful and watch out for those state birds and pollen too! That can be a very bad match!

  20. The trillium is lovely! We don't see those here.

    As for the mosquitos, I was told they are the state bird of Alaska. Fortunately I was there earlier enough in the year, they weren't out yet. :)

  21. It is a lovely time of year, despite the bugs!

  22. Beautiful Trillium. Love the soft wavy edges. One makes it standout. I planted a few bareroot this year, but think we are too dry.


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