Thursday, May 19, 2022

The girls

 Sounds like the girls are having fun in Jamaica.  They have a Villa with a housekeeper, cook and gardener and two watch dogs.  

They are right on the water and have a private pool.  They say it is very warm there and humid. Jen gave me a facetime tour of the Villa and gardens.

They each picked a daily activity.  Jen picked seeing a waterfall and a blue hole, Maddie a spa day with a massage and pedicure, Savannah a Bob Marley tour and Paige horseback riding.

Paiges horse is making a face.  This photo appeared on facebook so I stole it from Maddie. 

I am still busy helping my parents.  Yesterday I took the day off to catch up on a few things.  Far Guy came in the house and thought he was in the wrong house because my desk was cleared off. 

Far Side


  1. Happy to hear the girls are having a wonderful time. That is not nice to confuse Far Guy! Hahaha

  2. I think it's just so wonderful that the girls are such good friends as well as cousins and it was a great idea to each pick an activity. I've heard of the blue hole and seen videos of it. It looks amazing. Love the horses too.
    It's nice to keep these guys on their toes isn't it? Always keep them guessing.

  3. Oh what fun the girls are having. Days in the sun, lying by pool, I could do that! I got a chuckle out of your desk being cleared off and hubby's reaction. Needed a chuckle this morning. Cheers!

  4. Sounds like this would be a fun group to travel with!

  5. Looks like everyone is having a good time...except the horses. *hahaha* So glad they had the chance to get away. ~Andrea xoxo

  6. Sounds like they had things well planned and are having fun.

  7. That's wonderful, that the girls can pick the activities that suit themselves, that there is a good selection. This will be a trip to remember for them.

  8. Beautiful place!. I've never ridden a horse on a beach and at this point I never will. It takes a long time to go through a lifetime of stuff.

  9. Oh yes, they definitely look like their having fun. I have no idea what a blue hole is. Another thing to 'google'.

  10. Fun times for sure. Jen and the girls are making new family memories. I hope you are not on any deadlines with the parents house.

  11. That sounds like a real vacation, with staff to do all of the work!

  12. Looks like an amazing girls trip!

    Please take time for yourself. I know you cherish every moment with your parents, but it takes a toll. My daughter would take over one evening a week when I had to move in with my dad and I still am so grateful for those breaks, I could cry.

  13. They are having a great vacation.

  14. How very special that the girls are in Jamaica having fun together. Aren't they the sweetest bunch of grandgirls!

  15. Looks like they are having fun! I think the day activities they have picked sound wonderful!!

  16. What a fun time. A cook and housekeeper and all the other stuff...marvelous!

  17. What a wonderful time together. They'll never forget it!
    So funny about your clean desk. :)

  18. What a vacation! I need a gardener, a cook, a housekeeper and some guard dogs!
    What a wonderful Aunt they have! All their activities sounded great too....especially the horseback riding.


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