Saturday, February 26, 2022


 We have enough snow here...mostly it falls and blows away.

View out the front door.   The driveway will clear off fast as son in law Andy has kept the area real clean all winter...some people in the area have snow piled on snow in their driveways that will become ice on warm days. 

Sun setting

We all felt that when the temperature reached 1 F  or  -17 C it was real warm.   The severe cold must have addled our brains. 

Far Side


  1. There are days I wish we hired someone for the driveway! We just had a big dump of snow. It's the wind, though.

  2. I know what you mean! When it gets to 12 I am happy to go for a walk and feel like I've dressed too warmly!
    We are supposed to get to nearly 30 today. Shorts weather???

  3. I can't even imagine. Stay warm!

  4. Our driveway faces north and mostly stays in the shadow of the house. So it definitely turns to ice on warmer days, like today is supposed to be. My husband didn't go out with the snowblower to clean it off this time either, so the couple of inches of snow we got is now packed down.

  5. You have so much more snow than we do. Dennis is the same as Andy and keeps the drive very clean so it doesn't become ice. It's feel like -11F here this morning so I know what you mean. Stay warm and cozy inside.

  6. At this time of year, as soon as the temps get above freezing there are folks here who bring out the shorts. Not me! But I certainly do appreciate it - spring is finally on its way.

  7. I quit my pity party about my weather when I see what you are enduring.

  8. People who live up north are tough and strong - - - kind of like majestic trees who have weathered many storms and temps. Does Far Guy have to protect his airway with a scarf when he goes outside from the car to inside a building? When I got pneumonia the first time after the asthma diagnosis, I found out that cold air could "take my breath away". Same with extreme heat. However, I am doing really, really well even with allergies. This spring will be the real test once the horrible yellow pine pollen starts.

  9. Hopefully March will bring an end to the snowstorms and maybe even start thawing all that snow.

  10. We have two different neighbors that have shoveled our drive for us (without being asked) a few times this winter. I feel blessed and try to do what I can for them. This year we've only had a few days below zero thankfully but the older I get the more trouble I have with even below freezing!

  11. I can't imagine what it is like to live in such a cold environment. It is something I have never experienced - and I am quite happy to keep it that way! :)

  12. I was surprised that the people didn't come to clear our drive. We actually didn't get so much but the wind did cause drifting. We warmed up this afternoon and the sun is working on it.

  13. It is funny how our perception of "warm" changes with the seasons! We were forecasted 3-10 inches of snow on Thursday night. We got zero snow and 1/2" of ice! Not fun.

  14. Time to start doing a "c'mon Spring" dance. That is a pretty tree top photo!

  15. All I can say is how do you afford the heating bills? Stay warm!

  16. Compared to the temperatures you were having, I'm sure that does feel warm.


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