Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Gathering Place

 The kitchen here is a great gathering place for people and dogs and a cat too. 

Sadie waits patiently anytime anyone is in the kitchen.  You never can tell when someone will drop something!

All the kitchen cabinets, the island and the chairs were made by Andy.  Note that Sadie blends right in.  I love the island...I can sit there and peel carrots and potatoes or stand at the end and prepare food and not be in anyones way.

The windows overlook the back yard.  The five burner gas stove was a challenge for me to use since I was used to electric. 

This is Sadies part of the kitchen.   The chair is for Adam's cat Phoebe to reach her dish on this counter.  There are two ovens...one is a gluten free oven.  

I told her "Sadie kennel up" and she did.   See how much she has grown!

Far Guy is the chief dishwasher, we help him out either drying, putting away or cleaning counters...most times it is a group effort.   There is no dishwasher because they just take up space and Jen has always had a problem with the way dishes feel after being in a dishwasher.    We don't have a dishwasher at home either...too much trouble for two people....always emptying or filling them and never really done with dishes. 

Far Side


  1. What a fabulous kitchen. Oh, that I had one like that. The island is to die for. Sadie sure has grown.

  2. I agree on the dishwasher thing. Too much trouble. When I had a lot over for company long ago, we'd make washing a group effort which was always nice.

    Love the flooring, ... well, love everything! Such a beautiful home!

  3. WOW!! That's a dream kitchen, for sure! Absolutely gorgeous!! ~Andrea xoxo

  4. Maybe Sadie should have been named Rumba! I wash dishes by hand, too. When the silverware was all dirty the dishwasher wasn't full so i just had to wash them anyway. So I hadn't run the dishwasher for years although it was fairly new - also took a looooong time to run. I was afraid to run it after so long - afraid it would leak - but a repairman for another thing started it and then stopped it and it was fine. I'm still not going to use it.

  5. I'm fairly tall and have totally flat feet so doing tedious work like peeling or dicing in the kitchen was always torture... until we remodeled and put in a large island with stools that I could sit on while doing those tasks.

  6. OMG! Andy made all those cabinets and the chairs too? That's amazing! How did he learn to do that? Is that his occupation or is it his hobby? It's beautiful! I have to have a dishwasher. I cook and make messes all the time and I love my dishwasher otherwise I would never get out of the kitchen! I used to have to put the cat food up like that when I had the dogs...they love cat food! At night when it's time to turn off the t.v. and the cats are in my bedroom, all I have to say is "time to go night night" and out the door goes Miss Peeps....Grace I have to lift up and carry out....she is a big baby and I mean big. I close my door at night else the cats jump all over the bed and wake me up. Miss Peeps is always right outside my door in the morning. I think she thinks she is a dog and has taken Nitty's place. They are so funny. Sadie is getting big and she has the sweetest face. Andy and Jen have a beautiful home.

    1. Yes Andy is a custom cabinet/furniture builder as a hobby.

  7. That is a gorgeous kitchen! He has serious skills. We never had a dishwasher until we remodeled the kitchen in our previous house - long after we became empty-nesters. Neither of my girls currently have one in their homes either. But they have young kids who are learning to do the dishes. Just got a pictured texted to me last night of 9 year old granddaughter washing dishes and singing songs from her favorite movie.

  8. What a lovely kitchen, especially having such a large island. Sadie is pretty smart...I'm sure some things get dropped on purpose. :)

  9. Gorgeous kitchen and Sadie really is getting big! I don't ever want to be without a dishwasher. When my kids were younger I used to wish I could two of them!

  10. Gorgeous kitchen! Andy did a fabulous job on the cabinets and chairs. I also like all the natural light.

  11. All the wood in that kitchen makes it such a lovely, cheery place to be. I wouldn’t even mind doing dishes!

  12. Andy's woodworking skills are wonderful. That is a beautiful kitchen with all of those custom cabinets.
    I hate to do dishes. What doesn't go into the dishwasher, Tom washes. I cook.

  13. Those cabinets! Oh my! Andy is sure talented. So much beauty there and in the floor. We use our dishwasher at home but of course in the camper we wash them and I really enjoy it unless my back is acting up. Our dishwasher takes forever to go through a cycle.
    I just love the photos of Sadie. We still can't get Zoey to love her kennel. We have to use it a few time a week, like when we go to Bible study or church. Ialways give her special treats when we put her inside because I want her to like it.

  14. That kitchen is something from a magazine. Wow.

  15. What a beautiful kitchen! Love all the natural wood.

  16. You have a very nice place to live in. Yes, dishwashers are a nuisance for two people.

  17. Such a lovely kitchen! Made for a family.

  18. Andy sure did a great job of the cupboards and all. I love the island and wish I'd thought to have one when we built this house so many years ago!!

  19. In that first pic of Sadie she looks like she's all legs! What a pretty kitchen and views out the windows. I bet it's great staying there. What a nice way to wile away the winter months. You have a great family!

  20. I love their kitchen! Andy is very talented. Sadie sure has grown and she's learning a lot too!

  21. Andy has done a wonderful job on those cabinets. His island is great. I want to remodel our island with new tops and better wood rather than oak laminated plywood. I am thinking wainscoting would look great. Love the cat has to eat off the counter.

  22. I love the island. It's the best thing a kitchen can have, I think. And yes, Sadie has sure grown! :-)

  23. Andy does beautiful wood work. I especially like the shape of the island legs. I never had a separate island until we built here, it's a game changer. They say you should get a dog with hair the color of your flooring. Sadie definitely matches, mission accomplished.

  24. That is a beautiful kitchen and that Andy is so very talented!

  25. Beautiful cabinetry.
    What a good pup!
    Hubby does our dishes that don't fit into the washer. I loathe doing them!

  26. I'm not surprised you all love to gather in a kitchen like that.


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