Wednesday, February 23, 2022


 It was - 47 F with the wind chill yesterday and the same is forecast for Wednesday and maybe lower than that on Thursday.  Uffda.

I finally finished this mosaic square that is on my desk. 


Some times I have some help. 

If Sadie looks sad it is because I wouldn't let her tear up a book on my desk...or the cards...or pens...she uses this chair to elevate herself and get in range of the good stuff.  

She is biting less and less as her adult teeth come in and replace her puppy teeth!  She is 17 weeks old now.   She knows sit, down, shake hands, come and sometimes off and stay.  She heels pretty good on lead and I have been doing some target work with her with the target stick...she targets great...I work on Sadie Kennel Up and Sadie Heel off lead with the target stick.  She plays ball now...her favorite ball being a tennis ball...she runs after the ball, Little Elvis runs after her and barks (normal ball playing for him as he did the same thing with Miss Miney and Chance) most of the time she brings the ball back to you...we are working on that.   If she has to go out she goes to the patio door and barks.  I have been asking her to use the doggie door more often...she comes in through the doggie door but going out is a work in progress.  She is 96% house trained...she has an occasional accident.  She is doing great for being 17 weeks old.  She loves everyone and is great entertainment.   The cold air doesn't bother her...she runs like the wind through the snow in the back yard. 

Far Guy facetimes with his sister or her family everyday.  Hospice is helping to keep her comfortable. 

Far Side


  1. Yikes that is frightful weather.
    Sadie is such a character. I need to ask what is 'target work'? I'm not familiar with that term.
    I love Sadie! So smart and adorable.

    I'm glad FG gets to talk with his sister and family each day.

  2. I love the look on Sadie's face! So glad Far Guy has FaceTime with his sister. We had a very bd ice storm here yesterday and today it is bitter cold. Winter in WI!!

  3. Sadie is a real treasure, and smart too. This is incredibly cold to even contemplate!

  4. What is target work and a target stick? I've never heard of that. She is really doing great! it's great they have you at home everyday training her. Great timing!
    It is wonderful that people can Facetime during times like this for so many.

  5. Praising God for technology so your sweet husband is able to visit with his sister daily.
    You sound like a natural training a dog. Was that ever a vocation - - or did it begin years ago with tips from trainers or books? Sadie is going to miss you when you go home. She is used to someone being there all day with her.

  6. I enjoy reading the adventures of Sadie. She looks so innocent there in the chair. Karen

  7. OK - negative 40s - now I feel guilty about complaining about the -28 here this morning. It's sunny and there is just a gentle breeze instead of hard wind. Sounds like a good day for you to stay home and snuggle with that puppy!

  8. I enjoyed hearing you tell about Sadies training. I need some puppy training advice. We cannot get Zoey to come when called. Oh, she knows what it means and did it well for about a week and ever since just ignores us. I know you aren't supposed to just keep repeating "come Zoey" so what IS the answer? She does sit, stay's pretty well, no bark, shakes hand and is smarter than I am. That's the problem. And she's so darn cute and knows it. Any help is appreciated.

  9. I think you could call that temp more than “chilly”! Definitely need your “big coat” for that weather.

  10. Sadie sounds like she's progressing great! Sad or happy, she's got one adorable little face!

  11. Uffda is right - bitter cold in Wyoming, too. I’m staying inside today. Happy to hear Sadie is doing so well in her training. Love to FG and his sister.

  12. Jill was complaining because it was -5 in Alaska. We are complaining because it is 30 here. No way we could handle -47!
    Puppy training is a full time job, but you are obviously an expert.

  13. Brrrr Cold. I do not miss the cold. Cheryl says the Iowa weather is unfair in that it teases us with spring like conditions and then drops the floor on the temps. Still, we are not as cold as you guys. Stay warm! And give Sadie a good pet.

  14. -47 F is too cold for me. Keep safe.

  15. Brrrrr... It is supposed to start warming up here tomorrow, hopefully that weather will head your way shortly.

    Sadie is fortunate to have you there to help train her. My thoughts are with Far Guy and his sister.

  16. I can't imagine the cold you're getting. One can only hope things will warm up. But not too quickly lest there be flooding.
    Everyone should be so lucky to have a dog trainer like you for those first important months. Sadie is doing so well.

  17. Sadie looks like she's growing by leaps and bounds....those legs are getting long. Congrats on making such good progress with her. Far guy's sister is in my prayers along with far guy and all in the family.

  18. Sadie is learning so much and growing quickly. She looks so much older in this picture!

  19. Of course I read backwards on blogs 🤦🏻‍♀️ should have started here first. LOL! With our first dog, Chip (Schnauzer mix), I was able to point one finger toward the ceiling and he would stand... then I would make a very tiny circle with my finger and he would circle once... if Imade three tiny circles, he would dance in a circle going around three full times. Sometimes I would just say "dance" and we would do the three circles. Chip could do so many things, and not just little "tricks" like that. So could our Beagle-Dachshund and the cat, Mullen. Animals are very smart if people just take the time to train them... and of course love them to pieces! :) // I like that mosaic square! // Keeping Far Guy's sister lifted up in prayers!

  20. Are you going to be able to leave her behind when you move back home this spring?

  21. Brrr! OK... I love cold weather, but even I think that's too cold. Anyway, glad Sadie's training is coming along so well. How mean of you not to let her chew up the good stuff. LOL!


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