Thursday, February 17, 2022

Be Calm

 As you know my word for 2022 was just to "Be." This week it is to be calm and to be supportive as  Far Guy comes to grips with his sisters cancer diagnosis.  It is hard for him as he not only loves his sister he likes her too...they are very close.  She will be released from the hospital today and hospice care will try to keep her comfortable. The cancer raging throughout her body is very painful.  The months that they thought she might have is now days or maybe a week or two. 

I am sure we all find our calm in different ways.  I cleaned a bathroom and scrubbed some floors and made lemon pudding...comfort food.  

We have prayed for a better outcome, God is in control, the best we can do is to be calm and carry on. 

Far Side


  1. I will say a prayer for Far Guy's sister for God's comfort in her final days. I will also pray that God grant her family peace and comfort in knowing she will be going to a far better place where she will no longer be in pain.

  2. So sorry to learn this. I am hoping that his dear sister will be as comfortable as possible during these next days. As you said, God is in control. :-(

  3. :(
    So sorry, but hopefully Hospice can control the pain for her.
    It is a great word.

  4. Good word choice, especially when life becomes so difficult.

  5. My heart aches for Far Guy and your entire family. Cancer is such a horrid disease. When my mom lay dying of it, there came a point when we simply wanted her released from the pain. As much as it was hard to say goodbye, it was harder still to watch her suffer as she did.

    Wishing you all comfort in this time of sorrow.

  6. Hospice was a godsend in my mom's final weeks. If it wasn't for them, I'm not sure how I would have gotten through that. I'm glad that Far Guy's sister has access to them.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear this. Hoping you all can find the peace and calm that's needed.

  8. "We have prayed for a better outcome, God is in control, the best we can do is to be calm and carry on."

    No truer words, my friend. I am so incredibly sorry about Far Guy's sister. To accept life as it comes is not easy sometimes. Please let Far Guy know that lots of folks he doesn't even know are holding him close in thought & prayer. May his sister's travels to the next place be peaceful & love-filled. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  9. I'm so sorry. Keeping you all in my prayers for comfort and peace.

  10. So very sorry the time is going to be shorter than anticipated. It hurts my heart for him. Hospice is usually excellent in helping. So thankful they are using them. Praying her transition is easy.
    That photo is gorgeous!

  11. Cancer. It's an evil, evil word. I'm so glad Far Guy has you to be with him and show him love. I felt much the same when Dennis's sister died last year of pancreatic cancer. She was in her mid-fifties. He was and still is, devastated. They were very close too.
    Hospice is such wonderful thing. They were there through it all with several of our family members. I honestly don't know how we would have coped without them.
    I'm praying for all of you.
    Blessings and hugs,

  12. I'm so sorry that this is happening to FG's sister and to all of her loved ones.
    Peace be with you.

  13. Lemon pudding should certainly do the job. I know I may be alone here, but watching someone suffer under Cancer is Soul crushing for the survivors. And I know I'm a coward when it came to both of my parents... Choosing to remember them as they were rather than seeing that shriveled shell in the hospital. In the end, the end was a release from the torture... and could not come fast enough. Best wishes for the fam. At least there is a little time left to enjoy the company.

  14. Take a minute to breathe. Deep. Exhale. Go on. Savor short visits even by phone. Life is precious.

  15. I'm sorry to her about Far Guy's sister. I have lost far too many family members to cancer and it always seems so cruel. I hold you all in my prayers.

  16. It is a difficult place to be in life when things like this happen. Cancer deals with us so harshly and calm is all you can do. Prayers for you both at this time.

  17. It's very difficult to lose a sibling.

  18. We find our calm in different ways. So true. May God comfort Far Guy and his sister too.

  19. So sorry to hear this. Prayers for your families.

  20. Praying for Gene's dear sister. May hospice get her pain under control. So sorry to hear this. Hope Gene can connect with her soon.

  21. I am so sorry about Far Guy's sister. I never had any brothers or sisters but I would have loved some. It's so wonderful that they have such a great relationship . They will both be in my prayers.


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