Thursday, April 11, 2019

Island Cake take me away

You recall that old commercial "Calgon take me away?" I used to envy that woman in that tub.  In the late 1970's I had two small children and  just 5 minutes of alone time in the tub/shower to shave my legs was a luxury.

Snowmageddon has been forecast for us.  The snow is supposed to begin early Thursday morning and continue throughout the day into Friday. We both have appointments Thursday...who knows what will happen to them.  We are in the 12 -18 inch predicted area and it will be windy...maybe they are WRONG!

Oh well I can take all day to shave my legs if I want too!  And eat the rest of the cake.

Andy and Jen brought us a Caribbean Rum Cake from their adventure.

It was Key Lime...

They make 10,000 of these cakes a day in various bakeries in the Caribbean.
It was a cute little cake, the flavor was very pungent, but it was delightfully soft in texture.
Far Side


  1. Yum!
    I hope you don't get too much storm. We are all ready for spring.

  2. Hoping the storm doesn't hit you too much. Yesterday we had about 2 inches of the white stuff followed by rain. Now it is 22 MPH winds. The Robins around here were going nuts yesterday trying to find somewhere to land and get out of the snowstorm. Be safe going out in this storm.

  3. Yes, it is our "spring break". We have four days in a row with no grandchildren and were planning to flee. Now we are watching the weather . . . Not funny mother nature.

  4. When you get snow, we get rain. All day long, so I'll be hiking in it. I hope they are wrong and you can make it to your appointments.

  5. They are going to be wrong, NO SNOW!!

  6. Snowmageddon has hit here. Ice first, and now a white-out blizzard. We live in town and can barely see the house across the street. I'm just hoping the power stays on. My daughter in Sioux Falls hasn't has power since supper time last night.

  7. Thankfully, the predicted blizzard conditions skirted around Laramie - only a couple of inches and very little wind. I'm not going to complain though. I hope it skirts around your area, too. Enjoy the cake.

  8. It's terribly cold here again..nasty wind, spitting snow and rain...I'm so tired of winter

  9. When the blizzard hits, let them eat cake!
    Truthfully, I am anxious about you and all the others who are or will be suffering from this storm. Please be careful.

  10. You've had enough snow. They even said we might get some snow Sunday but I'm trying to think it away! The cake looks good!

  11. We've heard on the news about that snow storm. Hope it doesn't get too bad there. Sure hate I missed Paige's birthday post. She is such a pretty girl. and all those jams and jellies you've made...and in the dead of winter. :) You get a lot done!

  12. Winter's last Hurrah!! I hope you made it to your appointments safely.

    1. Yes we made it safely there and back, the ground is white now:(

  13. Whipping blizzard going on today in Fargo. Good day to shave your legs. ;)

  14. All cake is my favorite and that looks like a gem of a cake. I keep getting ads on the net for fruitcake and one day I am just going to order one. Key lime must be an interesting flavor for cake. I am sorry that old man winter doesn’t like you in Minnesota. I saw the cities were suppose to get hit hard. More snow to melt and flood Iowa on all sides.

  15. This is one time you hope the forecast is very, very wrong.

  16. Help I'm trapped in my fortress. We briefly lost power last night but most of the neighboring towns have hundred of power lines down. Also I had to give Lily a tranquilizer due to the snow/thunder and lightening wind storm last night. But what the heck otherwise everything is going real good...:)

  17. We are forecast to get lots of rain from the same system. It's supposed to be +12C so no chance of snow. Hope we don't lose our hydro. Had enough of that over the past week.

  18. Oh, I do hope they are wrong about your forecast. I've been bemoaning how long Spring is taking to show up here but at least our snow has finally melted and there is none in the foreseeable forecast. I've had those Caribbean cakes.... enjoy!! Stay safe and warm.

  19. Hopefully the weather turns warm soon and the snow disappears as quickly as it returned. Those cakes are amazing, they last forever. Though one wouldn't know as they get eaten very quickly too.

  20. An interesting cake. Would be delicious with coffee.

  21. The cake looks yummy! The Iowa gang just got rain and big bad winds. I'm sure they will have major flooding...again. Stay safe and I hope you don't lose power!

  22. The cake looks delicious...and I well remember the day it was hard to have a moment alone!


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