Monday, April 8, 2019

Happy Birthday Miss Paige!

Paige is older today.   Seems like only yesterday that she was born just a little early at 35 weeks.  She had episodes of not breathing and had to wear a monitor for a couple of months. 

Here she is two years old. 

Here she is just a few months ago. 
My oh my 20 years sure goes fast. 

Paige is going to school at The University Of Minnesota at Duluth, she hopes to become a Physician's Assistant someday after years of school. 
Happy Birthday Miss Paige...we love you! 
Far Side


  1. She is so beautiful! Happy birthday to you, Paige. :-)

  2. A beautiful young woman! Happy Birthday, Paige.

  3. Happy Birthday Paige! She was a cute baby and is a beautiful woman. Good luck as she pursues her education.

  4. Happy Birthday, Paige! Love seeing the two pictures. Beautiful girl....

  5. She is a beautiful and successful girl! Happy Birthday Paige!

  6. Happy birthday, Paige! May you have success and joy in your life. :)

  7. I agree - 20 years goes by so fast when we are talking about children. I hope Paige has a lovely birthday.

  8. Love the lighting the last picture! Great portrait shot! Happy Birthday Paige :-) I have never heard of a physician's assistant, I think it would be a nurse here.

    1. We have many P.A.s in our clinic. We see them almost as often as we see the doctors. They are highly trained. Good for Paige!

  9. Happy Birthday to Paige. She looks like such a lovely girl with such a sweet smile.

  10. Happy Birthday to beautiful Paige.

  11. She has grown up so fast. It is good she isn’t so far away from home.

  12. diane in northern wisApril 8, 2019 at 7:51 PM

    Your Paige is beautiful. Aren't grandkids great!!! Our oldest grand daughter will be heading up to Duluth for school this fall...she is just about to graduate from high school. She won't be at UMD but close by! Coming from southern Wisconsin she'll have a lot more Winter to get used to up there next year, I'd guess. I'm still amazed at how fast they grow up! Bless all our grands!!!

  13. Happy Birthday, but more importantly, best wishes for hard work and success at UMD. She will do well, that's what Minnesota needs!

  14. Happy Birthday Paige and good luck with your studies!

  15. Happy birthday, Paige! Doesn't it seem like our grands grow up faster than our kids did?


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