Thursday, November 15, 2018

Snow Report and A New Recipe

We have three inches of snow at the snowstick and I think it is staying for the winter.

3 inches of snow Nov 13

The tracks are squirrel and fox.  And so our winter begins thirty-five days early…as we are technically still in Fall.

We have had a quiet week.   I am crocheting some winter hats…my pattern, yarn and hook have been adjusted several times.

We are trying two new to us recipes this week…one was a keeper and I should have taken a photo of it.

Monte Cristo Pull Apart Loaf

Our recipe serves two people ( adapted from a recipe in the latest Kraft food & family magazine)

3-4 slices of bread  we like potato bread…flattened with a rolling pin.

Top with swiss cheese, sliced ham or turkey or both. Fold in half and place fold side down in foil lined bread pan or corningware. (Spray foil with a bit of olive oil first.)

Mix together  1 egg,  a few tablespoons of milk, 1 Tablespoon Miracle Whip and about 1/4 teaspoon mustard.  Mix well…pour over bread. Refrigerate for 4 hours. Then Bake 350 degrees for 45 minutes.

You can add more bread, cheese and meat and use more eggs and milk to make more servings.

We both gave this recipe 5 out of 5 stars and will make it again.  Oh yes you can sprinkle it with powdered sugar just before serving and serve it with jam if you want to be fancy smancy.

The other new recipe will be tried later this week.

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  1. Well we may get some snow here soon again, most of it is gone now. I love your idea of a snow stick. I may have to do something like this too!

  2. Sounds interesting! Glad you are feeling well enough to be baking and crafting away. :)

  3. Your recipe sounds yummy. Can't believe you have that much snow on the ground. So far we've had 2 inches and a lot of bitter cold.

  4. I just resubscribed to Kraft Foof and Family. Their recipes are delicious!

  5. The recipe sounds good! Always ready to try something new. Sorry about your snow. I'm not ready, but the weather forecasters never ask me is I am ready. goodnightgram

  6. It sounds good, all right. I see we are close to Thanksgiving and you have a beautiful new header. I'm glad you are still having Chance in there. And it does seem early for all that snow.

  7. It is an interesting mix of ingredients. I was thinking French toast but that is not that. I am really sad that we lost so many days of fall to this winter stuff. I have two front trees that have not dropped their leaves. I don’t want to rake them up out of the snow. I can rake them with multiple layers to keep warm but I would rather not do that.

  8. The recipe sounds really good. I like potato bread too but Mandy is always telling us we should eat whole wheat. :-) The snow that we got last week has long since melted, but the temperatures have become so cold, I think when we get more it will be sticking around. Stay warm my friend.
    Blessings, Betsy

  9. Yummmmmo... that recipe sounds delicious, Connie! And yes, I think our snow is here to stay too. Perhaps. We get a lot of days above 32 degrees in November and December so maybe not. Only time will tell. Stay warm, Andrea xoxo

  10. Interesting recipe. Hope you enjoy the other recipe as much.

  11. Thanks for sharing the recipe - it sounds easy and tasty.

  12. I like Monte cristos. Few places make a good one and some make terrible Monte Cristos.

  13. Hey! We got 3 inches of snow last night...thereabouts and it was 22 F this morning. I think someone figured that if I wasn't getting up North they would send the North to me! I was thrilled but it happened in the night so I didn't really get to see it coming down which is the part I like. But I had to postpone Wally World's now 47 and sunny and it is all going bye-bye so tomorrow is looking good.
    The Monte Cristo is my son Ben's favorite sandwich! He used to get them at Bennigan's restaurant with the 'fancy' jam and powdered sugar on it. I will copy it and get it to him....the recipe, not the probably wouldn't mail too well. I need to try that one too....thank you!

  14. That recipe sounds good, sort of like a savoury bread pudding.

  15. That's an interesting recipe. I was sort of shocked at the end where you said you could put powdered sugar or jam on it. I thought it would turn out like a baked egg dish. I must have read it wrong!

  16. No snow here that recipe sounds like something Tim would like

  17. diane in northern wisNovember 15, 2018 at 8:23 PM

    Oh that sounds so good Connie. I might have to try that recipe. Yes we have snow here too...actual snow banks in some places. Are you both feeling better? Sure hope so. Thanks for a great blog.

    1. Far Guy is better, I have had a relapse but am on meds:)

  18. Overnight last night we got about a foot of snow. It stopped for a few hours and now has started up again and is supposed to go until 9:00 tonight. I guess winter has arrived.

  19. I had to google this recipe because I couldn’t quite believe it! We don’t have anything like this in the UK. Not sure I could bring myself to add the jam.


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