Friday, November 16, 2018

Rain and snow

It rained then it snowed.  Fun.  I passed up Bingo with my Dad again.  Wasn’t looking forward to crappy roads and was not quite feeling up to it….so I had a long nap.

Saw my Primary Doctor on Thursday because I needed a refill on my BP meds, most of the time she just renews my script but I had not seen her in over a year.  She wants me to take a course of antibiotics….she thought I was getting a secondary infection and didn’t want me to get sicker.  I didn’t want to get sicker either.

Good news is Far Guy has finally rounded the corner…it was a long seige for him…32 days.  Now he is working on getting all his steps back up to where he was a month ago.


Turned the Pumpkin Welcome sign over to Give Thanks…I need to change the flags soon.  Turkey Day is right around the corner.

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  1. That is great news about Far Guy. Sure hope you feel better soon. Have a great weekend.

  2. Wow, 32 days! I'm glad it is over, and I remember once not too long ago that I got a secondary infection and a cough that wouldn't stop. Antibiotics took care of it. I hope it will be the same for you.

  3. Sorry to hear the germs haven't been chased out of your house yet. Hopefully, the new medication will give them the boot.

  4. Glad Far Guy is on the mend. Hope you will be soon too.

  5. Today I am sick. I told myself I must get well...although, I really don't have the energy to do so. :)

  6. I'm glad to hear Far Guy has turned the corner. Sounds like it was a good thing you went to your doctor when you did. Hope you continue to feel better.

  7. I am so glad to hear that Far Guy is on the mend. Now, hopefully with the antibiotics, you will be too. I’m sorry about missing bingo with your Dad. I know that you enjoy that. It’s important to be healthy though. And safe too, with nasty roads out. Blessings, Betsy

  8. So glad to hear FarGuy is on the upswing and that you're on antibiotics, Connie. Yes, the cold and snow (& sickness) is here to stay.... until spring. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Love, Andrea xoxo

  9. Glad you are both on the mend. Yesterday I felt all day like I was coming down with a cold, but today I don't. Hope it stays away!

  10. Glad FarGuy is finally getting over that bout. Now, need to get you well. Glad you are taking care of yourself and resting a lot.

    OMGosh! Thanksgiving is already this week! I don't pay much attention as I usually don't do anything different--LOL! But then it really sneaks up on you. ;)

  11. We had the same kind of system go through last night...first rain, then wet snow, then snow and high wind.

  12. We have the most beautiful day here, 12C, sun and lovely blue skies, I wish I could send it to you to make you feel better. Glad to hear that Far Guy is finally on the mend and hope you are feeling your normal self pretty quickly. I'm glad our Thanksgiving is near the beginning of October ;-)

  13. So glad you and Far Guy are on the road to feeling better. It's been a long siege for the two of you.

  14. I hope the antibiotics do the trick and you feel better soon.

  15. Too bad about Bingo...2 weeks in a row you missed it! I bet your Dad misses you...I think you were his good luck charm. It's best to stay away from crowded places until you are better....good thinking! Glad you saw the doc our age it's nothing to mess around with. Our snow is gone....60 F and sunny today and I was grateful as I had to go to Walmart. I know....I'll start cooking next week or tomorrow just for staples and then more as it gets closer. I want to relax on turkey day! Love your clever that you just have to flip it over!

  16. Wow! Long haul for Nice Guy. Good to read he is on the mend. Gosh... Thanksgiving is coming on fast. Hope the antibiotics help you. Sending good wishes for that! Goodnightgram

  17. Snowy rain, rainy snow, cold, wet and drippy. The big yuck.that's the kind of snow we get here usually, but so far even very little rain.
    Glad to know you are getting medical care and the care is paying off for FG.

  18. A good nap is productive, especially when feeling like you are right now. Hope your new meds knock that bug right out. Glad Far Guy is doing better.

  19. Glad Far Guy is improving. Hopefully, you will begin to regain soon, as well. It's amazing how a secondary infection can drag us down. Of course, most of us don't listen to our bodies...

    So guilty of that! 😉


  20. Glad Far Guy is improving. I had a bad night, two hours of high BP, and insomnia. sigh.
    It was weird seeing my estranged son on TV with my daughter.
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  21. I'm glad you are both feeling better. What a siege for FG. I like the idea that you can turn your Halloween sign over and it's a Thanksgivng sign. Very clever!


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