Monday, November 12, 2018


The start of a new week, hopefully better than last week.  I am feeling better…my fever has finally broken. I have fever blisters that are really sore…some are even blood blisters….go figure.  I am not 100%… but better, I have cheated death once again.

I watched TV …cooking shows and two Netflix movies  A Beautiful Mind and A Wrinkle in Time.  I enjoyed both movies very much.

It snowed a bunch…not sure how much as I did not venture outside.  Must be 3 or4 inches.

Seemed like every time I woke up from “a nap” I announced it was snowing and Far Guy would say “What else is new?”


Flowers in the wild garden last summer

I think Far Guy is finally on the road to recovery too.  He did a marvelous job of taking care of me!

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  1. That really is good news to hear! Of course you are getting better so you can go out and enjoy the weather?

  2. Sounds like you are both over the worst of it. I've seen both of those movies and enjoyed them very much, too. :-)

  3. Glad you both are feeling better. Wouldn't it be nice to look outside and see flowers blooming. :-)

  4. Great news, that you both are on the road to recovery. i have had those "blood blisters" and really don't care from them at all. Have a good day.

  5. Glad to hear that both of you are on the road to recovery.

  6. That is wonderful news that you both are feeling better. You’ve both been in my prayers. I haven’t seen either one of those movies. Maybe I’ll have to look them up sometime. We spent the weekend cozy inside the house for the most part. It was very enjoyable to just be here together. Usually our weekends are spent running around catching up on things. Blessings, Betsy

  7. Thank goodness you are both feeling better. It drives me nuts to be sick and I am not a good patient. I always listen to your movie recommendations. The flower is beautiful! We are 'maybe' going to get snow today or rain or ice or all 3! LOL! Continue recuperating!

  8. Glad you are feeling better. I'll take all your snow and put it on our mountains - I want to go skiing!

  9. Hope you both are feeling up to par soon!

  10. Happy you've rounded the corner. You may have inspired me to stop putting off that flu shot. I'm always in denial about the possibility of getting sick!

  11. Glad you are both feeling better!

  12. Thrilled to hear that all is well with you and Far Guy. You watched two great movies.

  13. So glad you and Far Guy are on the mend. I love both of the movies you watched.

  14. Glad to hear you are both on the mend!!
    It's perfect weather for napping and recovering. :)

  15. I am so glad you both are doing much better!

  16. Sometimes those kind of colds just wear out so slowly but then suddenly you realize you are better. Way to go Far Guy with the great care. I have a wife that is showing signs of a bad cold right now with blankets piled high on her.

  17. Good news that you cheated death again. Just keep it up!

  18. I am so glad to hear such good news!

  19. Glad you guys are better, blah on the snow.

  20. I am glad you are feeling better at last

  21. Feeling better is a good thing, and welcome news.

  22. Wow. That sounds a lot worse than the "sore throat" you said Far Guy "shared" with you! Glad you are better...and that he is, too! And hope that means you can cross "flu" off your to-do list for this winter ;)


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