Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Wistful Wednesday : Ernie

Ernie was sometimes called Ern.  He was a Silky Terrier and he replaced Zack who replaced Baby Snuffer.  Ernie belonged to Far Guy’s sister Jan and her husband Ron and their daughter Bethany.  Lately Ernie had been staying with our niece Bethany. ( I think Bethany and her Mom had shared custody of the dog.) You see years ago right after Zack died Far Guy’s sister said “No more dogs.”  Well…Bethany waited for her parents to go on vacation and she brought home Ernie.  Ernie captured their hearts.

Chance and Ernie got along just fine.  When we visited we quickly learned that if we left them out in the yard at the same time…Chance would come when called…Ernie would ignore you and run willy nilly all over the neighborhood…he would come back when he was good and ready.

2007 ERnie gene and Chance

Far Guy, Ernie and Chance in 2007.

Ernie had quite a time with teeth.

Ernie 2014

Teeth help keep your tongue in your mouth.  I took this photo in 2014…I was up early and so was Ernie…I laid with him on the floor and took a few photos.

Last week Ernie died..I am not sure how old he was. O.L.D.  Ernie’s family in Indiana is very sad.   I understand.  Ernie was a fun little dog.   He liked us and we liked him.  We are sad too.

Far Guy shared a poem with his niece.

Dogs Never Die

You can go and read the poem if you like.  Basically it says that your pets never die they stay in your heart and wag their tail so hard your heart hurts and that is why we cry so much after they die.  As time goes on they are still there but the wagging of the tail is less and hurts less…or so they say.

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  1. Ernie looks like a precious little guy who brought his people much happiness. I guess Bob is the border collie version -- she never misses a chance to run free and no amount of commands bring her back until she is good and ready.

  2. What people miss if they don't have an old dog in their hearts. Not a day goes by yet that I don't feel Morris ... R.I.P. Ernie you have been loved.

  3. We sure do love our pets, but their lifespan just isn't long enough when compared to ours. Thanks for the story about Ernie, who was a lucky dog and had a good life. None of us could ask for much more. :-)

  4. Sorry to hear about Ernie. Glad you shared some pictures.

  5. I have a lump in my throat as it is so close to home for my girls. The poem was a 'killer' too....Annie just barely makes it up the stairs and Nitty no longer can...she resides in the garage and doesn't always make it out the door to pee. It's so hard to watch them age...much harder than my own. I miss Nitty being in the house and next to my bed at night for how many years? I'm so sorry about Ernie.

  6. Pets reside in our hearts as well as our homes. I hope the void Ernie left behind is filled with happy memories.

  7. They are family, we still miss our cat Blackie.
    , he was with us 16 years are so.

  8. So sorry for your loss. Our pets leave holes in our hearts when they cross the rainbow bridge. RIP, Ernie.

  9. Ah, sweet Ernie. He was a handsome boy. My heart goes out to your family. Our pets are precious to us. That poem. Oh my.

  10. I think the name Erie fits this rambunctious little character.

  11. I'm sure Ernie will be missed by his family.

  12. Yes Ernie will be missed but death is a fact of life

  13. Sad for Ernie's family but glad they have good memories of him.

  14. Ah! So sorry. Losing pets hurts as much as losing a loved one!

  15. Sorry about Ernie, we do love our pets and they love us.

  16. Oh, that is so sad. Ernie looks like a sweet dog, and he was a cutie pie. I want to read the poem, but will come back to it...I don't need to cry first thing this morning. :)

  17. Oh, what a sweet little Ernie! RIP lil pup.

  18. This post means so much to me this morning, as we are dealing with our dog Jack's health issues, he has been up and down for several months. I know that the end will soon come for him, we try each day to make him as comfortable as possible. The poem especially offered me encouragement. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone over the loss of Ernie.

  19. I sat with my neighbor lady who had just lost her precious Penny, a terrier. She was crying and holding her new loving dog. She had such mixed emotions as the new loving dog was doing her best to help her heal. I really was close to Penny too ,having taken care of her so much while her owner was sick and in the hospital. It is true that you never forget the love of that dog. I hate selling the property where Button is buried. There are numerous Yorkies in out neighborhood and they just run all over the place. Crossing the street to go in the neighbor's yard.

  20. Aww sweet Ernie. Dogs have a way of worming their way into your heart. RIP little doggy.

  21. Always so hard. He looks like a very special little guy. I hope his girl is feeling a bit better now, but she will always miss him. So will you.


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