Friday, July 27, 2018

Visit from Paige

Our youngest Granddaughter Paige came for a visit.  She brought her beau with her.  We went out for lunch and had a good visit.

Paige July 26 2018

She is working two jobs this summer and getting ready to head back to the University of Minnesota at Duluth in the Fall.

Paige July 26 2018 Two

We were glad that she wanted to visit us on her day off.  Chance was so happy to see her, she is one of his favorite people.  She is one of our favorite people too!

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  1. Glad you had a nice visit with Paige.

  2. Paige seems adorable, and so pretty too,glad you had a nice visit with her! Grandchildren are one of God's greatest gifts to us, I found out last week that one of grandsons and his girlfriend will visit us at Christmas, I did a big Woo!Hoo!
    Have a blessed day,

  3. Grand kids are neat! I love seeing mine when I can.

  4. Paige is so pretty. Glad she was able to come visit you. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. What a lovely gal and so nice of her to come visit. I love Duluth and that whole North pretty! I hope she's enjoying her college years.

  6. She's one of my favorite Far Side family members, too. And what a winning smile! :-)

  7. Aw, sweet girl to come and visit. It won't be long until classes begin. Gotta grab the summer while you can! Hope she has a great year at school.

  8. We use to visit that campus a lot years ago to see the art museum there in Duluth. A watercolorist from China was on staff and we liked seeing his work. I miss seeing Duluth. It is a unique old city. Your granddaughter is sweet and did miss seeing her grandparents. Chance was delighted I am sure.

  9. Love these photos and Paige's infectious smile.

  10. I love when the grands visit!

  11. What a beautiful young lady with a gorgeous smile. How sweet that she wanted to spend her rare time off with you. That is true love for her grandparents. Blessings, Betsy

  12. Paige sure is cute, and looks like she would just as nice as she is pretty.

  13. Grand kids never get too old to be special.

  14. What a wonderful visit for you and her! I bet Chance was excited to see her!

  15. Paige looks like such a sweetheart.
    It's always a treat to have grown grands come by for a visit.


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