Friday, July 13, 2018

The colors of summer

Quilts at the fair.


A Balloon Joint


Food Joints on the Midway


We dined at a place with picnic tables and homemade signs on the Independant Midway…the fancy smancy Carnival Food is way too expensive.  A Independant Midway…those are the places just outside the Carnival Midway.  4-H stands, church ladies food stands, pork producers and local people with food trailers or trucks….they pay for the “privilege” of setting up directly to The Fair Board and are not affiliated with the Carnival at all.


I hope you are enjoying the colors of summer.

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  1. I am! Mostly though it is each morning that brings me beautiful colors!

  2. I love all the different colors at your fair.. Early mornings around my house are the most colorful . Have a great weekend.

  3. I'd love to see those quilts in person. They look interesting and different from the usual. Yes, it's definitely summer in our necks of the woods. :-)

  4. They are some great colors. I haven’t been to a county fair for years. Maybe this year, being less than 15 miles away we can go for a part of a day. I brought out a new colorful quilt for our bedroom from my collection of quilts.

  5. I love your photos! The colors capture the excitement of a country fair.

  6. You have such a good eye to notice the colors of the fair and share them with us. Thanks!

  7. Love the photos. Esp the quilts. Enjoy!

  8. What fun! And those independent food vendors probably have better food anyway!

  9. A fun post! The County Fair will open in a couple of weeks: I enjoy wandering through the exhibits.

  10. You have an amazing fair. Ours is tiny, tiny, tiny, but people are very loyal to it!

  11. Very colorful, indeed! Sounds like you know the best places to eat, too. :)

  12. I enjoyed seeing all of the fair colors. I would think that the “independent “ booths would be much more fun to visit. Fun times of summer.

  13. I'm sure you enjoy the midway...carnaval with the background you have.

  14. What fun!
    And I put steel for the roof, Bennie said silly
    we live in the 21 century.

  15. The colors of summer are indeed wonderful!

  16. Looks like you had fun at the fair ( and nice weather too!).

  17. Beautiful quilts!
    Glad you ate at the other food booths. I know all eateries are inspected by the health departments and deemed safe to eat but I trust locals more - - and like supporting them.

  18. I miss the's too hot here. I would definitely go for the independent food vendors....sounds so good...I remember those food booths...YUMMO! I remember one that was from the Dairy Association and they were serving cream puffs!


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