Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wistful Wednesday : The girls and dogs

This is most likely 1991 or 1992.  About 26-27 years ago.


Jen and Trica posing on a snowy day with our three Sheltand Sheepdogs/Shelties.  This was taken at  our resort out back by a spruce tree.  Trica would have been going to college at Moorhead State University and Jen was most likely in 9th or 10th grade.  Those teenage years would not be real high on my list of years to repeat.

Trica on the right is holding onto Misty and Moses…they are the Mother and Father of G’Day Mate who Jen is holding. Misty was really well behaved, she had been to Dog Obedience and Moses had been to puppy classes…and Mate well she had a mind of her own and a real stubborn streak.   She was really Far Guy’s dog…I gave her to him…so I wouldn’t have to sell her.  There were four puppies in that litter, when the puppies were little we would get them out on a blanket in the living room and watch what we called puppy tv.  Those were fun evenings….when we were all home safe and sound being entertained by puppies.

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  1. A great photo. I long for those simple joys again!

  2. What amazes me that 1991 or 1992 is that long ago. To me, it seems like just yesterday. I think puppy TV is a wonderful way to stay entertained. Love the picture and background about the dogs. :-)

  3. Teen age years mean some good..some bad. Fun with puppy TV and teen age years...never again. I think most parents could relate to this one.

  4. Lovely photo. My Aunt had a Shelties they are sweet dogs hers were named Elsa , Millie and I think one was named Gus . I loves playing with them when I was a kid . Oh puppy TV love it ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  5. Real puppy love!
    If The Bennie could ever see the dang Vole bet he could hit it.
    We had a fig tree and as they got ripe he would sit on the porch
    with a slang shot and run the birds off. I don't ever remember him kill
    any of the birds.

  6. Oh that makes me remember Kitten TV. For a while we lived on a farm in Wisconsin. Our inside cat had four kittens, I had bottle-fed 5 kittens since before their eyes were open because their mother got run over (got from friend of Dagan's), and we had an outside Kitten I had to rescue from the dogs tossing it in the air (no idea why because they never bothered any of the other kittens)--so we had the mom and dad adults and ten kittens in the house. All the kittens were between 4-6 weeks old! It was a madhouse and a hysterical way to spend our evenings watching Kitten TV for a few weeks till we found homes for them. The dad cat was a very playful guy, too, and was right in there with the kittens. Great memories! (Bottle-feeding kittens is a lot of work, BTW--LOL!)

  7. Yes, very nice, happy photo! I have just finished my kids' teen-age years- Whew!

  8. Those were the best years with two boys. Between working in the high school and all the activities there it seemed we practically lived there except for sleeping and Sundays...:)

  9. Looks like you had your hands full with two teens and three pups!

  10. Four puppies cavorting on a blanket... that would be very amusing. I imagine finding homes for the three pups and letting them go was hard.

  11. We often let Charlie do our entertaining. As a pup he is like a kid who can't figure out what he wants to play with next. We are always smiling and laughing.

  12. What's not to love about puppies! Plus, Shelties are the one dog that always keep part of that puppy cute!


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