Thursday, October 20, 2016


Have you noticed the price of pumpkins?  I saw the price of $10 for a medium size pumpkin.

We are lucky enough to have neighbors/relatives that have a garden.The rock

Their rock is decorated quite nicely!

I wonder how long until the deer raid the pumpkins?  Deer like pumpkins.

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  1. John and I were talking about pumpkins being high priced this year. We probably won't buy one. We have a lot of deer here.

  2. I thought it was because I moved Down South. There seem to be plenty of them and I see people buying them but we won't be. Maybe we will find some cheap after Halloween as we do love the roasted seeds.

  3. I didn't realize how high priced they are. I just enjoy looking at them nicely displayed at the stores. :-)

  4. Pumpkins around here average about $5.00 I get mine from a local farmer.

  5. The pumpkin business must be great. There are huge piles of pumpkins at stores. some yards have dozens of pumpkins for decorations.

  6. It is a nice display. We have a neighbor down the street the buys a trunk load of pumpkins and gourds and places them up against a tree in her yard.

  7. I like your pumpkin decor! We used to grow pumpkins but haven't for years.

  8. For *years* now we've saved our uncarved pumpkins for the deer. They freeze but the deer are able to slowly eat them. They usually start pawing thru the snow and going after them in December.

  9. We had a teacher stop by to see if we had pumpkins for sale...she uses them in her arts and crafts classes but they are too expensive to buy this year so we told her about the Produce Auction. She had driven by the Auction for years but never stopped. She stopped yesterday afternoon with a pallet of pumpkins for her school kids....25 cents a pumpkin! Its crazy what they get marked up to, She thanked us for the suggestion and now wants to buy a turkey!

  10. What a pretty display. Pumpkins are only $3-5 here at the Walmart and I think they are made in the U.S.A. too! LOL! I had no idea deer liked pumpkins...I better go out and spray mine with repellant! LOL!

  11. Tis the season for tricks or treats. Mostly tricks this year I guess..:)

  12. We live in a farming community where there is one place that grows pumpkins and has a you pick pumpkin event just before Hallowe'en. I think they are pretty cheap here, but I don't buy them because I can't get Ted to eat anything pumpkin. I grew giant pumpkins one year, there were 2 on the vine. One weighed 62 pounds and the other one was 47. I never did use it all.

  13. The rock decorations look very nice. The last time I bought a pumpkin was when GN was quite young. I cleaned it out and with help, she carved the face. We left it outside with some other autumn decorations. The next morning, we found it splattered all over the driveway by some kids who had passed by.

  14. I love pumpkins as decorations. there is just something about that orange color that says happiness and joy. Here it's the gnawing critters that attack ours.

  15. Didn't think about deer's eating pumpkins, shame for them
    to eat the high price decorations.

  16. Our pumpkins here are only $5 and I thought that was too much. Now I may just go get a few!!

  17. Here pumpkins are very reasonable this year. $2.50 at the grocery store... any size. DH picked up two smallish ones at the farm where we get our eggs. Those were only a dollar each.

  18. I've seen some around here for $5.99.
    Horses are supposed to like pumpkin as well. Mine, however, did not care for it.

  19. Very large pumpkins are $10 a pair here.


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