Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Heros Welcome

Last night my Dad returned home on the WDAY Honor Flight from Washington DC.   My other baby brother was his escort.

Some of us went to the airport to welcome him back.  Far Guy, my Mom, my sister in law (She who sees Robins first), Cousin Art, my niece Stacey, my niece Megan and nephew Frank, and five of my great nieces and nephews oh ya and me.

It was a wonderful welcome, a band played and there were signs and flags.

These beautiful girls with their signs.  Anna, Hailey and Olivia.

Anna ,Hailey and Livie

Teddy and a flag

One of the littlest  flag wavers, Teddy.

Baby Kelly

Kelly who is just three months old.

We were anxious to see them and welcome them back.  We felt honored to be there to help with a Heros Welcome.

I will write more about the Honor Flight in the next few days.

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  1. What a great greeting committee! I'm looking forward to hearing more about the trip.

  2. I wish that my Dad had been able to go on one of these flights.

  3. So glad to read that your dad went on this flight! Nice big welcome committee, too!

  4. I am so happy to hear that your Dad was able to go on one of the Honor flights. I wish I had been able to get my father on such a trip. My Father-in-law was able to go last year just before he passed away at age 93. He said it was one of the happiest days of his life.

  5. How wonderful! I do look forward to learning more about it. I didn't know about these honor flights until you told me. My dad is long gone but would have been eligible too. You are so lucky to have your dad! :-)

  6. So wonderful that your Dad went on this honor flight, and what a great group to welcome him back at the airport.

  7. Wyoming had Honor Flights a few years ago, but I haven't heard of any recently. It's a wonderful program.

  8. Would love to hear more about the honor flights!

  9. Wonderful! Things like that make me cry....always.


  10. How exciting! Those signs the girls were holding were beautifully done. What a nice welcome home!! :)

  11. These events make one very , very proud.

  12. I thank him for his service. God bless you all.

  13. These flights are wonderful. I wish my husband could have gone on one of them. He was a vet from the Korean conflict! The often forgotten war. I have a brother who was in Viet Nam. Maybe he will take this flight someday!!

  14. What a wonderful welcome for your dad! Love the signs!

  15. So glad your dad got to go. I would love to have been there waving a flag too! What a good welcome home he had.

  16. What a great honor for your dad. I love all your photos.

  17. I am so glad that your dad was able to go on that trip. My dad was gone long before they started making those flights. He had been stationed in D.C. before he headed to the battlefield. I would have love for him to see the WW 11 monument plaza. I bet your dad was tired after the trip but made some more new memories.

  18. Yes, please tell us what the Honour Flight is all about.

  19. I haven't heard of this, but it sounds like a wonderful idea. I'm glad your dad got to go.

  20. Thank you, veterans, you are my heroes, too.

  21. My mother's cousin recently took this flight. The report of the trip was wonderful. Congratulations to your father.


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