Friday, May 20, 2016

Busy days

This time of year the projects seem to stack up.  We mowed the lawn one day this week.  We had heard on the news to let some Dandelions remain unmowed for the honey bees.  We have more than plenty of dandys to share.

So what did I accomplish this week?  I worked on some more glass flowers.  I helped Far Guy with a few wood carving painting projects.  I spring cleaned some more cupboards in the kitchen… I am about 1/3 done.  Not much to show for the week…but I was busy all week. 

One night on our evening rides we heard a baby bird just having a fit.

Noisy neighbor bird

A unknown baby bird with orange feet at the neighbors.

We are enjoying watching the Hummers coming and going from our feeder.

Hummer May 19

My feeder is made of red glass, the liquid inside is clear sugar water.

The Baltimore Orioles found our Oriole feeder yesterday, I waited for them to return, got sleepy sitting in the sun and had to have a nap. Busy days…

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  1. What a cutie! From the photo he looks sparrow-y. I can sit and watch our hammers for hours. When I water the deck plants there is usually one or more buzzing my head, checking out what I'm doing to his/her flowers.

  2. It's nice to have visitors.

  3. Lucky you getting the Orioles and Hummers at your feeders. I haven't seen either of them yet. Sorry I haven't been responding lately; I was on vacation.

  4. Ain't Spring just the nicest thing?


  5. Just did the first mow of the season (delayed several times by rain) and I swear it was high enoug to bring in the baler!

  6. You were busy as a bee so that means a good nap was in order.

  7. Busy is good. I am seeking less busy but that won't happen. I hope you have a good weekend.

  8. One of the Micro Managers favorite quotes would fit...It'll never end!

  9. We must feed those bees! :) These days where it is not too hot in the day and chilly at night are my absolute favorite days of the year. We only snatch a few in the spring and fall, it seems, and I revel in them. :)

  10. Sounds like a pleasant week, chores and fun stuff mixed together. We don't want to rush through spring cleaning and not get out at all. Awesome hummer photo. Inwas pulling weeds yesterday and I heard a hummer just over my head.

  11. I love these days when we can watch the birds and take a nap!

  12. How wonderful to see the hummers visiting. And I hope that cute baby bird was ok.

  13. I am so saddened this year as the Momma bird disappeared after coming back and fluffing the nest and something happened to her. She's not around at all. Then the hummers came back and after that HUMDINGER of a storm we had there has not been a one of them. I also heard about the terrible fungus they can get if you don't clean the feeders well. Their tongues swell and they can't feed and they die. I have always scrubbed the feeders well with a little brush to get in the holes and rinse well but who knows. I'm taking the feeder down and leaving well enough alone. That little bird looks like the mad bluebird picture! Too cute!

  14. I wonder what kind of bird that baby with bright orange feet is? Lots of fledglings around now. It's fun to watch them. And when we get to feeling sleepy we just have a nice nap.

  15. Your hummer picture is classic. And I'm glad to hear the orioles are finally coming for their treats. :-)

  16. I mowed this week too. My dandy's are so short and smart the mower just goes over them and the next hour they rise up to mock makes the birds happy....its been too cold for bees yet.


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