Thursday, June 11, 2015

Solar Lights

I had a glut of solar lights.  I kept buying them…I even forgot I had a few. Must be my advancing age. On two different occasions I bought the stained glass lights…and managed to buy the same color!

I took down the falling over solar lights, I think the squirrels use them as spring boards.  I added new ones to the garden in front of the house where the bird feeders are.  I like to have lots of solar lights out there, it looks pretty at night and discourages animals from coming too close to the house.

Solar Lights and flowers

I bought a few plants and actually planted them. The garden now has red Salvia and a few yellow Marigolds which will bloom eventually.  Red and yellow..I love those two colors together.  Now IF the squirrels will leave everything alone…and I remember they need water and a little care.  I should have clipped off all the red flowers, but they were blooming so nicely…they make roots faster without blooms…

Flower garden out front

I added a few glass flowers and my ant. It is a work in progress.  I have the wrong copper pipe for my pink glass flower…I need one that is bent.

I thought long and hard about what to do with the old solar lights… the tops and clear parts were still working.  So…

Wagon Wheel with Solar lights

I made a little wire harness for the lights and attached them to one of my wagon wheels leaning against the old grain bin.   I have more to add.  It is a work in progress too.

I am done at the Dentist ( a cavity) and the Eye Doctor ( extra testing for glaucoma…which I do not have.)  Yeah for me!  WE are both starting to dread days that we have to leave the house or yard… we are becoming hermits I guess.

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  1. Squirrels are so sneaky- I hope the lights keep them out of your flower garden. I love your ant and glass flowers.

  2. That is a good idea to put the lights on the wagon wheel. I know what you mean about leaving the yard or house. Must be a sign of getting older as I feel the same way. Your little garden looks very pretty.

  3. I thought squirrels slept at night. Just shows what I know. I was aware that raccoons are nocturnal and see them at dusk sometimes, but squirrels, not so much. I like your solar lights. :-)

  4. Great idea about the wagon wheel. Was your place a farm at one time with the grain bin? I like your garden decor and I too like solar lights. No one in my neighborhood leaves a single light on outside....only me!

  5. It's a pretty little light garden you are creating. Maybe I need to get a bunch of solar lights to run off the deer from the flower garden. On second thought, it would probably just guide them in and provide candlelight dining!

  6. I like solar lights too and our local dollar store has them for a dollar which is dangerous for us. I know what you mean about being hermits.

  7. I like your little garden and the ant is really cute! I'm thinking I need to move my solar lights to the strawberry patch and maybe the deer will leave them alone. Wishful thinking, I guess. I don't think anything deters those pesky creatures!

  8. Got to love that bright and cheery Sunflower!

  9. I just purchased a new solar light for the front step.

    Love how you are using the old lots.

    1. Darn auto correct - that should be "lights" and not "lots"

  10. I love solar lights and have too few. It's just comforting to look out around the water garden and see soft lights.

    Great idea on the wheel!

  11. Very creative putting the lights on that old wagon wheel.

  12. Very creative idea for the wagon wheel. So nice!

  13. Great idea for the wagon wheel. I'm looking around for some yard decorations for the new house. And I do like those solar lights.

  14. Solar lights are great. My pet peeve is seeing these newer houses that are all lit up around the outside, with electricity. I thought we were supposed to be saving energy. At least using motion detector lights would be better. I have a large collection of glass, thanks to you! and have still not made a single flower with it. Maybe next winter!

  15. My solar lights never last long-----every house on our street has them.
    That is interesting about cutting the irises in a upside down v. We always cut them in fan shape.

  16. I was just noticing all the solar lights last night while walking Barney. He is going through a fear thing again and won't really go outside without me walking him. We had fireworks in town two weeks ago and that did start it. It also has been too windy for his standards of safety. I don't have a single light but all my neighbors have too many. I do not know why I haven't considered them, I just didn't get into the groove, I guess.

  17. I had to read the last sentence a few times before it made sense. I must be getting old. Yes, somehow it's harder to get away and I don't like going out any more.

  18. Well I seem to have the same problem as you solar lights even the ones that no longer work I leave they are pretty and maybe they will come back to life I think to myself. :):) HUGS B

  19. We are practically hermits too. Once Poppy retires I'm afraid we will be hermits. We could use a few solar lights around our yard. It's very dark out here at night.

  20. Now that I've seen yours, I want to get some solar lights! And I know what you mean about not leaving the house. It's like a special treat every time I have a day to just stay home.

  21. Bought the same color again?! Well, at least you are consistent!

  22. It amuses me that so many solar lights are sold in the north of the UK. Given the weather, you understand.

  23. Great idea for the old solar lights. Really like your works in progress. ;)
    Glad you don't have glaucoma and are done at the dentist's. I have to do all that stuff after I move. Not looking forward to it but am overdue. Enjoy the dry days before the rain returns. :)

  24. Terry and I were just talking about that...the leaving of the farm...we feel the same way.



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