Sunday, June 22, 2014

Yellow Lady’s Slipper

The Yellow Lady’s Slipper was well worth the walk down the back drive.

She is a little lonely this year, it was a tough winter.  Last year we had seven blooms and this year only one.


She is a beauty.  Her real name is Cypripedium  parviflorum.  This is just one of the 42 species of native orchids in Minnesota.

At least one survived and she will spread her pepper like seeds and hopefully they will fall on the special fungus that they need to survive and grow and in 20 years or so there will be more orchids.

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  1. I did not know lady slippers had to have a special kind of fungus to grow on. We learn a lot about flowers and plants from you! So glad you feel up to going out and taking pictures. Take good care of yourself, Far Guy, and Chance. Your blogs are a important part of my day.

    Shirley H.

  2. A native orchid...We have none that I know.

    This is so beautiful. I am glad she survived the winter to be seen, admired, and reproduce.

  3. I always look forward to your yearly lady slipper adventure. I'm glad there is at least one! And I'm also glad you are feeling well enough to get out and about. Tell FG that I've got my fingers crossed for him, too. Makes it hard to type, though. :-)

  4. Beauty indeed, ours are blooming beautifully, Blessings Francine.

  5. That name would make a great spelling bee word. I always liked seeing the yellow ones in Minnesota. I missed seeing the white ones and the lupines. I hope each of you feels better each day.

  6. Lovely bloom. I'm glad you made the walk to check on it.

  7. I hope she many native species both plant and animal are dwindling. She's a beauty and I did not know she was in the orchid family. I've learned a lot from if I could just remember it! LOL! I'm still praying for your recoveries; you, Far Guy and your Dad.....I hope it's working!
    I was going to head to Wally World but dang it...another chance for severe weather....we're so "unstable" down here. I could have told them that.

  8. It's a beautiful specimen. Isn't it a wonder that they survive, with their very special requirements.

  9. So pretty. I hope you both have had a better weekend.

  10. I don't think I've ever seen a lady slipper up close...nor did I know it was in the orchid family. Thanks for the education!

  11. I will be out tomorrow to look for my patches of lady slippers/.

  12. Very pretty flower, Connie. Hope you're both feeling better today. ♥

  13. Beautiful shot, miss ya at Sunday Stills..:-)

  14. Glad you were able to enjoy a walk. Beautiful bloom, beautiful photograph! Everyone needs a little tender care to grow and thrive...

  15. So you are feeling just a wee bit better if you can get outside with the camera. She is a darling that's for sure.



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