Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wistful Wednesday : The Barn

We drive by the  farm where I grew up quite often it is only 2 1/2 miles from where we live now.

The farm

That silo is newer…it wasn’t there when I lived there.  The silo we had was closer to the barn…to feed silage.   The barn has seen better days.  Someday a wind or snow load will take it down.

Me at the farm

Of course it was a tired looking barn when I was little…this photo was probably taken about sixty years ago.

It was always a white barn…not sure why?  Perhaps the blue roof had something to do with it.

I believe that Loren Lemon probably built this barn or part of the Lemon family… he is a Great Uncle of Far Guys.  Loren was married to Florence Graham Lemon…she was Walt Grahams sister. Years ago the three farms along the 6th mile of  Highway 225 on the right side of the road would have belonged to  Loren and Florence Graham Lemon, Curtis and Almeada Lemon Abbott( Far Guy’s maternal grandparents) and Walter and Dora Graham.  I remember them all except for Loren and Florence because  my parents bought their farm.

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  1. Oh you were a cutie- how fabulous to have a photo of the barn back then, too, and that it was built by a family member.

  2. You were so cute. Lucky you having all those photos from years ago. All my family photos are gone. Only a couple survived.

  3. The barn doesn't look all that different from sixty years ago. I do hope it doesn't blow down. You are so lucky to have lived in the same place all your life. I can hardly imagine it, being the daughter of a military officer. :-)

  4. Lovely photos ! I love old barns . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  5. Oh I love the picture of you, so so cute. Beautiful farm, Blessings Francine.

  6. We were staying with my brother back on the farm in Illinois last month, and almost none of the original buildings still remain. The old barn has been replaced with a machine shed that will hold the enormous tractor, and the crib has been made into a wood working shop. The house has been almost completely remodeled, but I have to say, they did a fabulous job.

  7. Cute photo of little blond you!

  8. That's a cute photo of you. Wish someone would "save" the barn.

  9. So back in the good old days family lived close together. There was support and help when needed. My Grandpa lived at our house for the last 5 years of his life.

  10. Great story. Lucky that you have those photos to remember with.

  11. I love old barns! I often wonder about their history. Sadly, many old barns are falling into disrepair and being destroyed.

  12. Beautiful clouds in that first photo.

  13. Interesting that you are living so close to where you grew up. I know you've lived many other places in the interim, but it's like you've come Full Circle, just like some of your forgotten--then found--photographs.

  14. What a cutie patootie you were and still are I bet. I always wondered why some barns were white and some red. My relatives always had white barns.

  15. Ah! Such a darling little girl!
    Nice to know the barn is still standing. :)


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