Monday, June 23, 2014

Smooth Solomon’s Seal

For year and years we have had one Smooth Solomon’s Seal along the driveway.  This year we are blessed with two plants!

Polygonatum biflorum Smooth Soloms Seal

Polygonatum biflorum is in the Lily Family.


The bell shaped flowers hang delicately below the foliage in groups of 2 to 10.  Looks like ours are 3 to 4.

It is an interesting plant and one which I look forward to seeing every year.

We had a quiet weekend.  I napped most of Saturday, I only did minor chores…one load of laundry and the dishes.  Yesterday Jen, Andy and the Grand boys came to visit.  Sure was good to see them and think about something else for awhile. 

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  1. An interesting plant. I've never seen one.

  2. The way the flowers grow reminds me of a bleeding heart. Very unique plant and delicate looking.

  3. Really pretty plant. Glad you had a nice quiet weekend with the family. :-)

  4. I don't know this plant, but it is pretty. We had the whole family over Sat night for pizza, but it wasn't quiet..LOL!

  5. I've not seen one in this area. Such a delicate plant.

  6. To me they also look like bleeding hearts only white and distributed differently on the plant. I lIke your new header. Chance right where he ought to be - right in the middle of things.

    Shirley H.

  7. I've never seen that plant before. It's interesting.

    Glad you had a diversion over the weekend.

  8. Do they transplant well? I see them in the woods but never thought about having them in my wildflower garden until now. They would look lovely by the birdbath.

    1. I would guess that they are tough to transplant...I think they have an underground rhizome for a root. I have never transplanted any.

  9. Pretty flowers ! It is nice to have a weekend wear your not pressed to have to get things done and it is quiet ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  10. Are they dutchman's britches or am I totally off base. It does get to be better when you feel good enough to enjoy resting. I did a lot of sleeping over the weekend at times when I was suppose to be watching tv. I hope you both are making noticeable strides in getting better.

    1. Dutchmans Britches have white flowers that look like upside down britches. Or a heart with very peaked horns and ferny foliage.

  11. You have some nice native plants at your place. You also know them. Keep resting and have a speedy recovery.

  12. I remember seeing this plant at Nalley Valley. I miss all the surprise plants that popped up in the woods around the creek.
    Take care. I know you are so tired of feeling bad.

  13. love Chances new blog header photo

  14. Glad you had a good weekend. Nothing cheers me as much as having a daughter and her family coming home. We have something here that looks like Solomon's Seal that bloomed earlier.

  15. Glad you're getting your strength back! What lovely plants/flowers...

  16. It's been a treat seeing your photos of the different wild flowers in your area. Everything looks so green and lush! Quite a contrast from our too-soon brown everything!

  17. That Solomon seal is a nursery plant here. We have some. It's more exciting when it's a wild flower.

  18. I planted some Solomon's Seal in the garden, some in the wrong spot. It gets quite big here, and spreads too. Now I'm trying to get rid of it, but it's all mixed in with the flowering cherry tree roots.

  19. You are did you learn all the latin names for the plants too? Lovely plants and it's like visiting an arboretum. I'm lazy/slow right now too. I think it's the couldn't be old age!


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