Sunday, June 8, 2014

East Side for Far Side

Thursday night when I spoke to my parents about their garage sale and their ills, a little voice said, "you should go and help your parents." I shrugged it off... I had essays to grade, it was my wedding anniversary, and Andrew had just gotten home from a trip. I resigned that it just wasn't going to work out this time. Sigh.

My morning routine is to read the newspaper and check my mother's blog. Many bloggers comment daily at Far Side of Fifty. Wasn't it suspicious when she didn't post? I've asked her about this before, and found that many times she blogs ahead of time and has it set up to post automatically. So in reality she could be dead and still blogging. I probably checked ten times yesterday to see if she had posted anything yet.

Friday morning the phone rang at 7:30am. The phone never rings that early...

A sick sounding mom said, "Jen can you come? I spiked a fever overnight, and your father is swamped with the garage sale."
I didn't hesitate and answered, "Yes, I'll come." I packed a few things in an overnight bag just in case. Turning the corner eh? Wrong turn...

I guess I didn't know what to expect when I got there... I thought I would help Dad with the garage sale I guess... but I got, "Do you want to take her to the hospital or should I?" Oh... I guess I will.

Acute bronchitis with respitory distress.

I spend the day getting her settled, water and ice chips, pants and underwear, unplugging her IV and following her to the bathroom, moving her pillows, getting her blankets and covering her up.

In the ER they x-rayed, drew blood, and set up and IV. Mom started itching at the IV about ten minutes into the Leviquin, so they switch her to an oral antibotic and got her a room. Respitory Therapy is giving her a nebulizer treatment four times a day.

After the sale was over, Dad came to the hopital and we talked about  the situation a little. I would go back home to Fisher and come the next day if I was needed.

I am disappointed that she is not going home today. In fact, she is worse today with some type of inflammation of the muscles and tendons between the ribs, so they are giving her an anti-infamatory. I suggested they give try and find another IV antibotic that she isn't allergic to... it is hard help over the phone...

She is in okay spirits; she is tired since a hospital is no place to rest. She appreciates your well wishes for her recovery. She would blog herself but the hopital's wireless has a spotty signal. Thanks for visting. I'll keep you posted!

East Side


  1. Thanks for the update. I definitely wondered when I didn't see a post. I wish for a speedy recovery. It's no fun to be sick!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am glad to know just what it was that put our Far Side into the hospital! So you are East Side, Jen? I really like that you are all so connected and taking care of each other. I'm worried about her, but the fact that she is in good hands (well, one can hope) makes me feel a bit better. Get well soon, Connie! :-)

  4. I just saw this.......hope you're feeling better Connie. This is no way to get out of a garage sale ;)

  5. Thanks, Jen.

    Best wishes to Far Side, Far Guy, and Chance.

  6. thank you Jen.
    Connie, spoil yourself a little and get all the rest you need. Then, hurry up and get better.
    We miss you.

  7. Wait a minute..your MOM has a blog I don't know about? What is it?
    Get well faster than soon! Hospitalization stinks!!!

  8. Hoping for a quick recovery. Having a hard time breathing is no fun. Thanks Jen for the update on Connie....

  9. I wish your Mom a speedy recovery. Having a daughter who would help, is priceless.

  10. I truly missed my morning chat from FarSide and thought she was probably overdoing things. So I do hope recovery will come soon, but rest should be a little longer. Such a dynamo is hard to slow down. Practice! You can learn how to relax!

  11. Thanks so much for the update. I know they both appreciated you being there. Prayers for her to heal quickly.

  12. She's lucky to have such a responsible daughter. Thanks for keeping us all up to date and our minds at rest.

  13. Good to hear from you.

    Thanks for being there for your parents.

    Sending well wishes.

  14. Sweetie thanks for posting this and keeping us informed. What a distressing situation and you are a faithful daughter. Keep in mind this favorite Scripture "For I will restore your health to you and I will heal your wounds, says the Lord." Jeremiah 30:17

  15. Thanks for keeping us up to date. Hope your mom takes it easy and that the doctors find the right antibiotic for her. I miss her morning messages.

  16. The inflammation sounds like pleurisy. I have heard it is extremely painful and brought on because of respiratory situations that involved a lot of coughing. Like the rest of the bloggers, I am thankful you gave us this update. After all the care she gave your dad, it just seems wrong that she is the one who got so much sicker. Praying she feels much, much better and can come home tomorrow.

  17. I am thankful for the update. I was wondering yesterday when I didn't see anything. My thoughts and prayers are with you that you return home soon feeling much better. Nice to have a wonderful daughter, husband with you. Chance will be there to give you plenty of love when you come home.

  18. Thank you for the update. My thoughts and prayers will be with your mother and all of you!

  19. Thanks for the update East Side. I hope your mother makes a speedy recovery.

  20. Oh my goodness! I had no idea. Positive thoughts flowing your mother's way.

  21. I hope she is feeling better and can come home soon!

  22. Thank you for posting and keeping all of Connie's friends informed. We are worried about her.

  23. Oh Crap! Sending Connie lots of good thoughts and wishes. Hope they they are able to kick her out of hospital soon!
    Somehow I don't think she would be an easy patient:):) Will be looking for good news in the morning.

  24. So glad you were able to help and be there for your mom. There is nothing like a daughter by your side when you are that sick. Connie, I hope you wake up this morning feeling lots better.

  25. Thinking about this Monday morning.

  26. Thank you so much for the update on your Mom. She is very lucky to have you there to help . Give her my best wishes for a speedy recovery. She is in my thoughts and prayers.

  27. Thanks for keeping us posted, sending prayers Connie , Hugs Francine.

  28. Feel ALL better and get home from the hospital soon, Farside!!

  29. Hoping for a speedy recovery!

  30. Continuing prayers. Thanks for the update. God comfort and bless. ♥

  31. Oh, my goodness! I'm so glad you wrote. I am very concerned for Connie, and your Dad. He just started recovering. Prayers for a fast recovery!!!


  32. Thanks glad you went. She' s like my best friend who I've never met. You have some wonderful parents and they have a wonderful daughter! Prayers are continuous. I wish I could be there to help.

  33. I could read between the lines that something was going down. I read she was concerned about the weather and said she had caught Far Guy's stuff. When I saw she was down I was very concerned. Having been taken to the emergency room for a similar thing I had hope that she had given up the garage sale thing.

  34. Jen, thank you so much for posting! I have been traveling, but could tell, from the moments I could catch to read up on the blogs that Far Side was in serious shape. Coming back to the blog to find no news would just have been horrible. Even though it still sounds serious, at least there was something to read here. Our family will definitely be praying for all of, your dad in his recuperation, and your mom that she can get out of that hospital and get a decent night's sleep!

  35. Thanks Jen for the update. I sure am glad that it is summer so that you could be with your mother in this time of need. Good that she will stay an extra day in the hospital to just make sure that she is on the mend. Thanks to Far Guy for running the garage sale, That must have been hard for him while worrying about your mother. Please keep us informed about how things are going till your mother can blog again. We miss her daily writings ad pictures.

    Shirley H.

  36. Connie is in my prayers! Love and hugs!! :)


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie