Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17 2014

Went to the Doctor and a new antibiotic was prescribed.  I feel exhausted…sure hope this new medication works some magic.


Salvia blooming in the yard.

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  1. My daughter said the horrible tiredness that when with the flu really surprised her. They were able to catch hers in time for the Tamiflu medicine but she was still wiped out. Sounds like some more good naps around the corner!!!

  2. The word I was supposed to have typed was "went" - - - not "when" with the flu. It wouldn't let me preview - - said they had an error and then it published.....

  3. Sure hope this new medicine works for you. Get well soon.

  4. I am concerned about you. Glad you checked in with the doctor. Hope this new med does the trick.

    Shirley H.

  5. Did they give you a thorough checkup? Although it does take us longer to "kick back" from any illness the older we get but boy, whatever it was sure knocked you for a loop! I hope you get better soon! I always lack the energy I used to have and it still makes me mad because I can't seem to keep up anymore but I can't afford to hire help. LOL!

  6. I sure hope it works too. You are probably trying to do too much too soon. Ha, easy for me to say that, I'd be the same, doing too much.

  7. I envy your salvia - blue flowers are special, somehow.
    I do hope you'll feel more like yourself soon.

  8. Praying that you will be back to normal soon.

  9. Love the blue salvia ------ sure hope this new works for you is Far Guy feeling better?

  10. Pretty flowers, but you must get well!!

  11. Hope this does the trick and you get your energy back.

  12. Love your salvia. We have some here that was in the yard when we moved here. I had no idea what it was! Had to ask a gardening friend.
    Take it easy and get plenty of rest! Drink lots of water. (Do I sound like a bossy person?) Concerned for you.

  13. I hope it works some magic, too!

    Have a great day!

  14. Salvia already. I think you just jumped ahead of us. Hope the new meds work.

  15. Praying the script will work well and that you feel better soon. Thanks for the pretty salvia photo.

  16. Praying for magical healing!! ;)

  17. The salvia is beautiful. I was looking at some today at Lowes. It was a large price for a gallon of it. I am glad the new antibiotic was available. One of them has to work.

  18. I hope you get well very soon...this is not good for enjoying spring.



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