Thursday, July 15, 2010

Grands: Adam Part Fish

Our youngest grand is eight, his name is Adam and he is staying with us for a few days.  His parents and his brother are busy doing more adult activities like working and attending a robotics camp so they shipped Adam off to us.  I asked him what he would like to do while he is here..he said we went swimming twice yesterday.
  Tuesday nights curly fries became a moustache. 
He is a fussy eater..he hardly eats anything..apparently he is not growing at the moment.  I made him eat half of a jelly sandwich for lunch before he could have his favorite Vinegar and Salt Pringles..yew..I think they are gross.  His supper was a hot dog and macaroni and cheese, today I will see if I can get some fruit down him.
 Yesterday he jumped off the highest platform at the beach for the first time.  There were two other little boys his age might have been a peer pressure thing..the first time he went up on the tall platform he came back down the ladder after staring into the murky depths of the water.  I identified with him.  Some conversation ensued with the other little boys..and pretty soon he was back up at the top and jumping off.
He is like a fish in the water..mostly submerged..he hunted for rocks that in his imagination could be turned into a turtle, a vulture and a fish art project for us today.

He helped me with the dishes and played ball with Chance, he misses his Mother.  Not his Dad or his brother..just his Mother.  She told us that he would wear us out talking all the time..well that hasn't happened yet.  Maybe today.  He did tell his grandpa that he likes me just a little bit more than him.  His grandpa did say " We let our daughter leave home sixteen years ago all growed up and perfect, and how does she repay us? She leaves us her eight year old" 

He just woke up and wanted to know what time we are going swimming today.  He also told me, he had a bully in his class last year, and that Chuckie Cheeses is no place to go for a birthday party because no one will come and that we have to work on our art project:)


  1. Would fruit smoothies go down him? I'm thinking of fruit (fresh or frozen), water and ice, all blended up in the blender.

  2. That is a wonderful age , they show love and do most what you tell them. Now those 10 year old are some different. Looks like you are having fun with him.

  3. He sounds like a delight to have around. Reminds me so much of my grandson. You just never know quite what will come out of their mouths at that age and it is always a fun experience. Isn't it great to be loved so much? It is a wonderful feeling having a special relationship with your grandchild. I don't think life gets any better than that. Enjoy your visit and have a good time.

  4. Aw Gram...don't worry about him not eating...he'll eat when he's hungry...

  5. Wait a sec! Us as grandmas, you mean we're supposed to feed them? You mean other than hot dogs and macaroni and cheese, and Pringles?! What the heck! Oh no, I have some fixin' to do in my head. I had two tough grandmas myself - made me eat the right stuff even though one brought Chicken in a Biskit and Peanut Sandwich cookies in her luggage.

    He's a cutie!

  6. What fun! It sounds like he's opening up, and you're having some wonderful expeeriences together. I love that you do art projects.

  7. Precious memories in the making for all of you. He sounds like a lot of fun!

  8. He looks a lovely lad. And I thoroughly approve of his salt and vinegar Pringles - one of my favourites.

  9. I like the picture of Chance watching him swim. My grandmother used to take us swimming at the river - - - - one of my favorite memories. I never made it off the high dive. The low one was enough to scare me!

  10. Chucky Cheese... he's right about that. It's an anxiety attack.

    One of our granddaughters pulls that "I like him/her better" routine. She loves to push our buttons. we pretend.

  11. I never worry about kids who are picky eaters, either. They'll eat when they're hungry and they usually outgrow it. I had one--hehe! This is a fine time for you to all get to know each other better. What a treat!! :)

  12. Wonder why some kids are such picky eaters. My grandson is and I do worry!! I never see him eat any meat!! Looks like you are having a grand time!!


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