Monday, February 10, 2025

Valentine Boxes

 When I was a kid we usually got a shoe box or a paper bag to decorate to collect Valentines from classmates at school.  What fun it was to read all those Valentines!

This week in the craft room Valentine boxes were made.  Paper, boxes and feathers. 

A flamingo and a pikachu for Cee Cee and Hey Mikey. 

Valentine boxes have come a long way:)

Far Side


  1. Oh, I remember those days! Decorating a shoe box or paper bag with hearts and glitter was always such a fun part of the Valentine’s Day experience as a kid. The anticipation of reading all the Valentines from classmates was always exciting.

    It sounds like you’ve really upped the game with those Valentine boxes this year, though! A flamingo and a Pikachu? That’s so creative! It’s funny how much more intricate and personalized these boxes have become over time. The kids must’ve been thrilled with their special boxes.

    How did you make the flamingo and Pikachu designs? Any fun crafty tips you'd like to share?

  2. Sadly, our youngest didn't make one this year though she is now in a new school which I'm sure is the reason why. Last year's box was the best ever which she made into a dinosaur where you put the cards and candy into the mouth.

  3. Oh, Ada would love that flamingo. We did the same in school. It was so much fun. At Easter sometimes we made a hat. One year I won a dollar for best Easter hat. A dollar was a lot to me.

  4. Those are beautiful. You all have a lot of artistic talent in your family. Our Valentine mailboxes in school were brown bags taped to the side of the desk - - like a mailbox on a porch wall. Decorations were red, pink, and white with hearts or lace.

  5. oh my goodness...your post brought back the wonderful memories of making those Valentine Boxes. This was something I looked forward to every year in my elementary days...And then when my daughters came along, it was so much fun. Both of the boxes are so cute...The flamingo will definitely make a statement....Happy Monday

  6. Oh, they are cute! My daughter put together treat bags for my grandson's class. I never did more than the Valentine's cards. I was not a creative mother.

  7. No kidding! You did a great job.

  8. Those are some pretty fantastic valentine boxes!!!!!

  9. Hey, we did the same project for Valentines day.

  10. Wow! What fun! Like no Valentine boxes I have ever seen before. Times have certainly changed.

  11. Adorable! They would both get voted Best in Class. Dee


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