Sunday, January 29, 2023

Quiet cold day

 It was a quiet cold day.  We did not get above zero all day. 

Not much was accomplished.  I worked on the Grands photos albums.  2011 is complete and I began pulling photos from 2012.  It is a good winter time project.  I crocheted for awhile and watched some old reruns of Project Runway.   Sadie had a calm day also...too cold to do much outside.

Far Side


  1. Super cold days are good for hibernating!

  2. I imagine it was cold! I stayed in except for chores and got sidetracked with a new project to keep me indoors.
    This morning it is so beautiful and sunny...and cold!

    Have a great day!

  3. Good for you for hunkering down. More snow today. Yikes.

  4. It's cold here too - though not quite as cold as where you are. We are hovering around freezing. The wind is up, which makes it feel extra cold.

  5. It's cold here this morning as I sit in front of my computer. It dipped below freezing last night and it will take time to warm up outside and inside. The sun is just rising.
    I wanted to stay warm in bed, but I hurt, so I am up and cold. But not your kind of cold.

  6. It's another cold day, it was -9 F when I got up. I'm lounging, I may not get dressed!

  7. We are sitting right around freezing, but it's sunny and once the terrific windstorm dies down, it will be almost nice out there, even if not exactly warm. :-)

  8. I am not sure we've ever (in my 30 plus years living where I live in New York State) had a day where we didn't at least get to zero as a high (which is why, when I bought yarn for my temperature afghan project, I didn't buy yarn for a high lower than 1 above zero). Definitely an inside day for projects.

  9. I love that picture of the pine tree that you posted. Yes it's very cold here too...although I think we got a couple degrees warmer than you. Praying we can all get thru this cold spell safely!

  10. The whole middle of the country must be cold. We left behind the -3 degrees this morning, and are in Wichita KS tonight. No snow here but it’s only 11 degrees, brrrrrr!

  11. Pretty photo of the pine boughs and cones. We have had and are having a very rainy winter and I’m tired of clouds and gloom. We all need some sunshine!

  12. It's cold here for SR...we haven't gotten out of the 20's all week.
    You always manage to stay productive, regardless. Stay warm!


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