Saturday, January 21, 2023

Little Miss

 I got to spend a bit of time with Cee Cee last week.  She was at the hockey game watching her brother and then in the vehicle last Monday when Day Care was closed.   She can sing most of the ABC's and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star...she is not yet totally potty trained....although I heard that she uses the potty at daycare...go figure.  She is 34 months old. 

  She is a challenge for her Mother.  Kinda stubborn.  She loves her Auntie Jen and Unka Andy....and is starting to call me Great Grandma. 

Far Side


Donna said...

Miss Independent! lolol ... what a beauty!
Donna said...

I can see the resemblance of Hey Mikey in her. What a cutie. My daughter finally went on the pottie exactly on her 3rd birthday. I never worried about it. When they're ready they'll let you know. I felt the same way about pacifiers and bottles. I sucked my thumb as a child for a long time and I do not have buck teeth either. LOL!

DJan said...

She is adorable! Thanks for sharing her with me.

Maebeme said...

What a cutie! And a smart little cookie too.

Lynda said...

Very cute kid!!! Seems like there is always one who makes parenting an upper level course in life. I think God gives many of us an "easy" first child so we think that parenting is really not too difficult other than time and money. So thankful you get to see her a bit.

Terry and Linda said...

She is DARLING!!!

Sandra said...

If she's as stubborn as she is cute her mama is in trouble!

Gemma's person said...

It is so great when they recognize you by name...and what they decide to call you. I feel so honored.

Granny Marigold said...

Cee Cee is a sweetie and bears quite a resemblance to Mikey. 2 Adorable little people.

Linda Reeder said...

With a strong willed child, it's good to be the Gramma and not the mom. :-)

L. D. said...

Our grand daughter turns three in May. She was so bashful at Christmas time but did warm a little bit before she left. She has two big brothers that she has to keep up with. Your Great Grand is so cute.

Val Ewing said...

She is adorable! Of course she needs to be stubborn...awww. You have to love that in a young one. My second child was/still is as stubborn as all get out.

Debby @ From My House to Yours said...

Just be thankful you are the great-grandma and not the mom. I had a strong-willed child. They eventually learn and grow to be wonderful human beings. She's a cutie.

diane in northern wis said...

I can't believe Ceecee is that old already. time flies. She sure is a cutie, like her brother. I'm sure you're enjoying your time spent with all these special people.

Susan Zarzycki said...

Oh my goodness, how precious. I don't have any married grandchildren but I am hopeful I will live to enjoy some great grandchildren.💖

Cynthia said...

Cutie! and I can see spunk in her eyes!