Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Before the weather turns really cold

 We got a few things done before the extreme cold hits...on Friday...we won't get above zero for many days.  Winter in Minnesota....and the wind will blow.   We filled the car with gas and got some groceries.  I will shop one more time on Thursday.  Making a list and checking it  twice...we will go out for medical appointments and that is about it. 

Quilts from a quilt show many years ago in 2011. 

Far Side


  1. Please be safe up there! Just cold (36)low, and rainy weather here...
    The quilts are beautiful!

  2. The quilts bring cheer on a dreary day.

  3. We've got that cold coming here too. Burrrr! Those are beautiful quilts. I love quilts but not that I'm a quilter myself. I've dabbled. Karen

  4. We're expecting the same cold snap here as well. But we're going to escape it for a week or so, as we're leaving over the weekend to drive to Arizona to visit some family. Stay tucked in with a warm dog and your crocheting!

  5. I’ve been doing the same thing - doing my errands and preparing to stay home to ride out the cold snap.

  6. Yes, the cold weather will be here too. I'm heading out to my daughter's on Monday - I'd wait except she needs me there to watch the grandson while she has appointments. Plus I haven't seen them since Christmas.

    Love the quilts, gosh the intricate work is so beautiful!

    Stay warm.

  7. Yep, we are in for a longer spell of cold weather. Stay inside and stay warm.

  8. It looks like we are going cold for a bit next wee, temps near to below freezing, but our cold is not like your cold!

  9. Cold spell set to hit this weekend over here on the eastern slopes of the Rockies. Got all my town stuff done too.

  10. Stay safe and warm! I call these cold weather spells our "hunker down days".

  11. Oooh I love those quilts hanging on the line. So beautiful! Yes, we know about your cold weather coming in because we will follow you one day later...Friday will be our last decent temp day here. Stay warm and inside as much as possible. We will do the same. Take good care there!

  12. I was going to get groceries the day before the ice was coming but it came early so I had to cancel the order. Thank goodness I usually stock up starting in the Fall just in case.


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