Friday, June 3, 2022


 Sadie came to visit...well truthfully our youngest daughter Jen brought her for a visit.  

She was very excited to see us....her body wags all over. 

She had to check out the seeds and suet under the bird feeders.  This photo gives you some idea of how big she is.

Her fur has turned a very nice reddish brown.

Jen and I did some garage sale shopping.  Sadie wanted to sit on my lap...finally I just gave her the front seat! 

Far Guy had a nap while we were gone.   The wind was so bad yesterday that the air was full of dirt.  As I unloaded groceries in the Walmart parking lot the sand hitting my feet actually hurt. 

Far Side


  1. Wow, Sadie really has grown a lot. Such a pretty dog. Glad you and Jen and a nice visit.

  2. Sadie has grown so much! I love to see pictures of your sweet furry friend. All that dust sounds awful, though.

  3. Life is better with a Dog companion. ( or cat... cats are great too!)

  4. Wow that wind!

    We had winds but thankfully since I was hiking a grassy valley it just cooled me off and kept the bugs at bay...

    Sadie has grown and she is so beautiful!

  5. Sadie is a gorgeous girl, and I can picture the full body wiggles!

    We have sunshine today which makes 2 in a row. I'm not sure how to handle 2 nice days in a row. Now - if it would just get a bit warmer.

  6. So thankful for the wonderful visit you all had and of course the pictures - - - you take wonderful pictures!
    I did not realize you dealt with that kind of dirt blowing around. Somehow I thought that might just be the midwest further south of Minnesota.

  7. Sadie is so sweet looking. I love her new hair color too, so beautiful. She is big! I guess I've gotten used to our tiny dogs around here.
    Take care.

  8. Awww, I bet Sadie was just as thrilled to see her (grand) people as you guys were to see her. What a pretty girl!

  9. Awwwww.... sweet little Sadie. Not so little any more! ~Andrea xoxo

  10. Sadie has certainly grown up! But there is still a pup who wants lap time in there. :)

    Hopefully the wind dies down for you soon. After three days it finally has calmed down here.

  11. Sadie remembers her winter people! ❤️

  12. Nice to see Sadie again. She’s a big girl, now! I’m sure she enjoyed her visit to the country.

  13. I'm happy they were able to come to visit! Sadie loves her grandparents so much. I wish I could have seen her when she saw you both. She already looks like a grown girl!

  14. Sadie still wants to be your lap baby. How sweet, just maybe not so comfortable for you. :-)

  15. Sadie is a beauty! It was windy here, too. We had two large tree limbs come down, loud cracking sound that startled us.

  16. A Beautiful Golden. One of my favorite breeds

  17. It's been windy here all spring but not the blowing dirt kind of wind.

  18. Such a special visitor! All grown up! And how nice to see your daughter, too. Any good finds? Keep Far Guy out of that dirty air!

  19. So lovely that Sadie and Jen came for a visit. I can imagine how excited Sadie was to see both of you. She's a beautiful pup.

  20. Wow, Sadie you are a beautiful girl! One of our grand dogs is a golden retriever she is now 11 yrs old.

  21. So glad you had a nice visit with Jen and Sadie. What a treat! Yes, it's been very windy here for days on end too. We can see the pollen swooping off the trees in the wind. Yikes! Take good care!

  22. She is sweet. happy to see her.

  23. I love the full body wiggle some dogs give.

    That sounds awful with the wind.

  24. Sadie is so beautiful. I can just see her wagging all over when she came to see her daytime parents. I miss our dogs.

  25. Sadie is all grown up! What a cutie she still is though. I bet she misses you and is so glad to see you.


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