Sunday, June 5, 2022

Green grass and tomatoes

 The front yard looks pretty good as it should with the rain that we got last week. 

Freshly mowed with no dandies raising their ugly heads...but give them a couple of days.   No regular flowers like Impatiens or Salvia have been purchased or planted...yet.   I haven't decided what to do....maybe next week.  

We planted two tomato plants this year...a Yellow Pear and a Roma.   The Yellow Pear already had blooms and now has tiny starts of tomatoes.   Our sheep watering tank works well for tomatoes and the dog fence keeps the critters out.   It ain't fancy smancy but it works for us. 


  1. I love it, Connie... and I'm definitely NOT a lover of fancy smancy either! ~Andrea xoxo

  2. So I purchase half grow tomato bushes at our Amish nusery. Have for years. This year I bought 3. Yesterday I realized 2 are cherry tomatoes . . . .

  3. I mowed last Wednesday and the dandelions are doing their thing again. You have to admire their tenacity.

    This year I have cherry tomatoes and a Roma. No flowers yet, but they were just planted on Thursday. I'm hoping for a good crop this year. I've not hear of a yellow pear's a good sized plant.

  4. All I bought for veg was two cherry tomato plants. I need to get them in the ground, but I have to move some stuff around first.

  5. It's surprising how some moisture and sunny weather will bring on the plants very quickly.

  6. Those look great! I should get cages for the 3 tomato plants I have I suppose!

    Our dandelions don't bother me too much. Our little pony adores eating the blossoms as does the goat!

  7. You also live in a forest! I use old water tanks for zucchini, no more in ground veg garden. I've planted 6 tomato plants, I process tomatoes for winter use. I haven't bought flowers yet, either.

  8. I bought a cherry tomato and a banana pepper neither of which I can eat now.

  9. Your yard looks so green and pretty. I think you are very smart to work out what you did for growing tomatoes plus it should save your back too!

  10. It all looks good to me! Ours isn't fancy-schmanzy either. Dennis just put up a fence yesterday around my teeny-tiny garden. I helped but he did the work. :-) Ain't that the way? Something kept eating the green beans. As soon as they poked their tiny heads out of the ground, something ate them that night. I think deer or bunnies so we put a fence up. It's such a tiny area it looks a bit silly. We have 3 rows of green beans,(mostly eaten by something), 4 zuchinni, 1 cucumber, 1 green pepper, 1 cherry tomato for Mom. She eats tomatoes like candy.
    Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday. We're expecting thunderstorms to roll in within half an hour or so.
    Blessings and love,

  11. I couldn't find any Romas this year. Next year I'm going to have to find a place that sells the seeds and start my own. Your yard looks lovely. Grubs raised havoc with our front yard and the birds further damaged it by digging around for the grubs... grrrrr. Hubby has replanted the grass, hoping it will come back and the grubs will stay away. Have a great week!

  12. Your yard looks so nice and green. Can't wait to see which flowers you decide to plant this year. Excited to see lots of tomatoes on your two plants too. YEA Summer!

  13. Tim once had tomato plants but no now, to lazy to bother with them

  14. Your yard looks great, so green now.
    People will go to great lengths to get home grown tomatoes. Ours are growing and blooming too.

  15. Looking good!
    What3ever works!
    Have a great week. :)

  16. A lovely yard! And I also don't need fancy smancy, I just want things to grow! Have a good week! 😊

  17. The one tomato plant is huge. Everything is so green; now for some sunshine!!

  18. Those tomatoes will taste just as good and maybe better when the growing zone is NOT fancy smancy! I grew tomatoes in big pots on the deck for several years, but didn't buy any this year. I was really tempted however when I was in the greenhouse buying flowers because they had some very nicely started tomato plants.

  19. Doesn't matter if it's fancy, as long as it does the job.


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