Monday, June 27, 2022


 The Minnesota State Flower the Showy Lady's Slipper is in full bloom. 

Such a beautiful flower.

We enjoy seeing them in the wild.  In this area you could see them way far back into the woods. 

I mowed the yard again, Far Guy picked up twigs and did some trimming around trees.  It was a chilly, windy day.  It didn't make 70 F all day. 

Far Side


  1. It was a beautiful day here yesterday also. A little warmer than you had but very nice. I love your delicate Lady Slipper flowers and I still treasure the Lady Slipper carved ornament I won in you "Snow Stick" contest a few years ago.

  2. I would love your weather....with climate change I'm wondering how far north I would need to go? What beautiful wildflowers you have. I can see why it is the state flower.

  3. It is my favorite. I did see them back in the woods in Minnesota a long time ago. They were scattered and growing in a special warm place in an opening among the trees. I am mowing this morning.

  4. Love the Showy Lady Slipper!! Last summer I was out hiking and spotted the Showy and Yellow Lady Slippers. So fun to come across. JT

  5. Aren't lady slippers wonderful! We had 4 this year, at least that I know of!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country , ON, Canada!

  6. The Lady Slippers are so delicate and gorgeous!

  7. Gorgeous blooms! The same cool weather stopped here for the weekend: I loved having the windows open.

  8. They are so pretty! I'm not certain I've ever seen them in the wild, and the ones grown in perennials gardens here are yellow. I love the colors of yours!

  9. Catching up with your posts today…beautiful time of year there. Your lovely photos really brightens my day. The thoughts on your dad struck a chord and I so remember what it’s like to miss a dad’s mind. Thank the Lord he is still with you and knows you belong to him. We are suffering with the heat and humidity here, especially since our central air has decided it has had enough after many years of keeping us comfortable. It doesn’t seem to bother my husband that the house is like a sauna. I have threatened to move to Maine for the Summer. He has decided I am worth the mega bucks to have this old house equipped with a completely new system plus heat pump. Now, my cynical self is wondering if they will install it before winter. ❤️

  10. The Lady Slippers are so beautiful. They just don't look real. Looking back (I'm always behind) Your Lilacs are beautiful, so are the Peonies, and your tomato plants are looking good. Moths are so unusual...but those Lady Slippers are amazing. We need rain really bad. Had a thunderstorm a week or so ago, bad enough that lightning hit the transformer on the pole near our house. Our power was out over 24 hours...but we didn't get a drop of rain.

  11. Lady Slippers are such pretty flowers. You seem to have quite a stand of them.

  12. We still have beautiful cool weather today. I've been able to have the windows all open and air out the house. It has been great. We even took Piper to the zoo today. The humidity and heat is due to return tomorrow.

  13. What most people don't know is that there are quite a few species of wild orchids and that some are very small.

  14. So beautiful! Minnesota must be the Lady Slipper capital of the country. You have so many different ones.

  15. These pink ones are my favorite lady slippers.

  16. Love those flowers. They always remind me of you.

  17. I missed the Showy Lady's slippers in Ohio this year. They are a feast for the eyes.


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