Sunday, May 22, 2022


 Yellow is one of my favorite "outside" colors.  I especially like yellow flowers.  The dandys are in full bloom in town but not in our yard ...yet...the bees need the food as not much else is in bloom. 

I have allergy itchy eyes....gunky eyes...eye get the picture.

Chilly day  44 F or 7 C eh!  Almost Winter like...but in the Winter we would call 44 balmy.

Far Side


  1. Oh yeah! Soon I hope you will have yellows many and all that good stuff!

    The goldfinches are fun to watch aren't they? They are like little jets flying here and there.

    Our dandelions are blossoming and the trees are spreading their pollen!
    Oh sneeze!

  2. Love seeing your yellow finch. Ours have moved your way. I still have house finch, but the yellow are gone.

  3. Same allergy stuff going on here as well. It was 38 last night but suppposed to be a warm up beginning today. Yesterday we did a bit of yardwork and ennis started removing river rock from a garden bed so I can plant just a few green bean plants and zuchinni.
    Hope all is well for you.

  4. Yes, isn't that funny how 44*F means different things in different seasons? Exactly! ~Andrea xoxo

  5. 44 at the end of May is unacceptable! Does Mother Nature have an email or a complaint line? We are hot, humid and wet here. Yesterday we had 3 inches of rain in an hour. Which is unacceptable. We had a mess. We were also under a tornado warning, but we were all so cranky about flash flooding, I think we scared it away. Signed, Miss Cranky Pants

  6. My Spring allergies have become late Summer/Fall allergies. Always changing. Mine make me very tired. Allergies are no fun any season. Hope your go away soon!

    I have become fond of yellow with pink flowers. Colors I don't wear much.

  7. I've got all the allergy symptoms, too! Still--it is gorgeous out there even if it is chilly. :)

  8. The ancient apple tree is in bloom, the wild violets and dandelions and, too. It has been chilly done here.

  9. Chilly here today too, but at least the sun is shining. The birds have been happily visiting the feeders all day.

  10. I love the summer yellows too. It's fun to watch the visitors to our feeders. We get the yellow finches and they always seem to brighten up the yard. My allergies have been bugging me as well even though we will have a week in the 90s and then a week in the 40s.

  11. I'd like a little more 44 F. we've had some 20 C but not much.

  12. I always think of you when I see yellow flowers. :-)

  13. I always enjoy visits by Gold Finches but so far this year we haven't seen any. Maybe it's still too cold.

  14. Love the finches! I've seen quite a few so far this year. At the townhouse, I didn't tend to see them until about midsummer.

  15. It's been in the 50's here in the morning and doesn't get above the 60's during the has been a cold winter and spring down here. I don't mind it at all as long as it makes the summer shorter and cooler. My favorite color is yellow...I think maybe we were sisters separated at birth.

  16. I hope it’s not the pretty yellow flowers making your eyes protest. Something is bothering mine, too. When we were in Florida they completely cleared up and within days of getting home, all itchy and sore again. First year it has happened. Just another one of the (many) mysteries of the body aging I guess.


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