Tuesday, May 24, 2022

What's new?

 We had a busy day; Andy, Jen, Noah and Sadie came to visit.  They helped move a few things from my parents home to their apartment...Mom has about one more load and the house will be cleared out.   Many hands make short work of a project. 

Sadie ran around in our yard curious about all the smells new to her.   She didn't like the bear doorstop in the bathroom...she came over to Noah and barked...a very scary bear...Chance didn't like it either but he got used to it. 

Far Guy and I had a nap got up and cooked some bacon and eggs for supper and then went for a Ranger Blue trail ride. 

I can report that the skeeters are out...horrid little buggers. 

The Large Flowered Bellwort is in bloom, it is a native to Minnesota plant.

The Ferns have begun to unfurl.

We saw a pair of Swans on Elbow Lake and several pair of Swans on Guyles Lake.  Saw a Porkypine sauntering across the road.   And a few deer...

This deer was trimming brush.

Far Side


  1. Hooray for spring. I guess we have to take the bugs with the flowers! (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  2. Sounds like a busy, fun day. Always nice to have family help with chores. No sleeters seen or felt here yet. i would love to see a swan swimming in a lake.

  3. Lovely pictures, thanks for sharing thm.

  4. I bet Sadie was happy to see you guys! The bear not so much. It is so fun to see Spring flowers emerge!

  5. Freezing to mosquitoes seems unfair. Mayflies should hit pretty soon. It is great you can hit the trail and see the wilds.

  6. Glad the clearing out is coming to an end. Maybe you could come down here and help me? The deer looks like it has a sore on it's back leg...poor thing. that's one thing we don't have too much of is "skeeters" but then again I'm not our and about in the evening. We have them but not like up north.

  7. Cleaning out the house had to have been a big, and emotional job. I remember doing that myself. It's nice when the younger generations can make use of (and appreciate) some of those items in their own homes.

  8. I'm glad you had a Sadie visit and that the hard work in the house is coming to an end. The day did sound very busy, but happy and that's the main thing.
    Many hands make light work. It's great that everyone is so willing to pitch in and help.

  9. Sounds like you had a busy day, Connie....busy but productive. I'm glad you found time for leisure too. ~Andrea xoxo

  10. I haven't noticed mosquitos yet but they will come.It is a relief when clearing out a house is finished.

  11. I'll say that was a busy day. It's surprising how much has to be done some days.

  12. With your family help you are making quick work of emptying that house. It will feel to good to have it done.
    We have a yellow bellflower similar to that here too.

  13. The season of Mosquitoes has begun for you. You have my sympathy. Mosquitoes love me and if there's one anywhere around it will find me. I'm so thankful that we don't have many.

  14. Wonderful that family could come visit and help out too. I am sure it was rough to clear the house, but it will be a relief to have it finished. What a lovely ride, just stock up on the bug spray!!!

  15. So glad you had help moving stuff out of your mom and dad's place. How fun to see everybody and Sadie too! Isn't it nice to see flowers and ferns once again. You even got a ride in Ranger Blue...sounds like a perfect day!

  16. Little biting/stinging things are not much fun where ever you live, but I hope they don't become too much of a problem for you.

  17. Do you get black flies or midges? Mozzies aren't too thick here yet but they are starting.

  18. No! No! Not the skeeters!
    Glad you got some help and got to visit with Sadie.
    Naps are good, too. :)

  19. Help is always apprecaited. And a ride without worries even more so!

  20. What did Sadie think of getting to see the two of you again even though it was a different place? So glad she had an adventure and very happy you all had help with cleaning and moving stuff out. It is a super difficult and extremely tiring job.


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