Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Seen on the trail

 We went for a trail ride...

I found an apple tree...might be a crabapple...we will watch how the apples develop.  I was looking for a different apple tree that we picked crabapples from years ago. 

The Trillium was in full bloom along the trails.

Then it rained and it was a hard rain.  We got 1/2 inch in the early morning on Monday then in the afternoon tornado and wind warnings and another 2 inches of rain...that will drown some skeeters and hatch some more.  My other baby brother and she who sees robins first came by for a visit during the storm.  The wind was't too bad...no bending over of trees just some swirling this way and that.  

Far Side


  1. My neighbor's crabapple tree has finally finished blooming. I've never seen so many flowers on it as this year. Saturday hubby and I went to the cemetery to put flowers on the graves. The cemetery where my parents are buried is really in bad shape. It's like no one is taking care of it - grass not cut, overgrown with weeds and mostly dear trees all over. People have been complaining about this for years but the caretakers never seem to care. I was going to go in the office and complain but the office wasn't even open. Don't think I ever want to go back there again. Told my hubby that next year I'll just buy my Mom's favorite plant and put it on my patio table and remember her that way. Temps are very hot here; way to hot for May.

  2. There are so many trees blossoming. So pretty!

  3. I heard about some bad tornadoes yesterday afternoon, in areas of Minnesota, and some just plain straight line winds which can cause awful damage too. I hope all is well upon daybreak, Connie, and no damage can be seen by you folks. ~Andrea xoxo

  4. What a fabulous tree, so full of blossoms. Can't wait to see if it's big apples or crabapples. (I typed crapapples by mistake! But, most of the crabapples I've seen are crap. hehe)

  5. Wow, that tree is covered in blooms! What do you do with crabapples, make jam? My moms tree is a crabapple. My thought was to leave them for the birds, and whatever eats them off the ground.

  6. All weekend they said we would have those storms on Monday but they all went north of us although we did have a high wind warning all day and boy, did it howl and blow! I saw the tornado warnings for MN and prayed that you and your family would all be fine.
    Blessings and hugs,

  7. Beautiful woods! I love trillium and missed its big blossom this year. I found one place in the forest where they seem to be coming up and doing well.

    I love crab apples. The old kind with the apples we used to make jelly out of.
    I would pick them by the buckets at my old workplace and take them home and give a pint to the guy who said I could pick them while on guard duty.

    Skeeter Rain! I just had a funny image of a 'bird' feeder filled with blood just for SKeeters in your yard...

  8. Gorgeous apple tree! It will be packed with apples. It was a cold and dreary weekend with some rain, and 30” of snow in the northern section of the state - much needed moisture.

  9. Lots of blooms on the tree. I like all the flowers and there will lots of fruit of some sort.

  10. Such a beautiful tree in bloom. At one of the local golf courses there were 3 or 4 apple trees along the cart path of hole #9. They were so pretty in the spring, and then golfers would pick apples late summer to snack on. Sadly, they all were cut down last fall - due to storm damage and disease. I doubt that they will be replaced by more apple trees unfortunately.

  11. I always have a moment when you say you went on a trail ride. In my lingo that involves a horse! We had scary wind last night and some heavy rain, but no tornado. Beautiful tree.

  12. That tree is beautiful! You are so fortunate to be able to spend time in the woods. We had a bad storm last night and this morning causing some flooding in the area.

  13. What beautiful flowers! I'd guess a crap apple as well.

    Yikes, it's windy here (54 mph) but no tornado warnings thankfully. Take care!

  14. We never have huge stands of trillium like that, so thanks for the incredible treat of seeing yours! :-)

  15. That must have been some rain. Good thing no trees came down in the wind.

  16. Our rainy May has made everything green and lush here. Moderation would be nice now.

  17. Mmmm, the thought of crab apple jelly on fresh bread :)

  18. That apple tree is just glorious! Must be a really good year for them.

  19. Beautiful flowering tree whatever it is. Look at all those trilliums...so lovely. I saw you were to get storms and maybe severe weather. Thanks goodness all is well.


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