Saturday, May 14, 2022

Nails and Tilly

 Two of our grands stopped by yesterday. 

Savannah...wins for longest nails.

Maddie ...wins for most practical nails.

They always make us laugh. 

 They had a time in their Grandpas car (Tilly) figuring out how to put it in gear (Push Button Drive).

Far Side


  1. Rockin' that Old car! All three look awesome!

  2. Nice! Looks like they are enjoying themselves. I think we may see a couple of grands perhaps in a week or so.

    Today we have low humidity warnings with gusts of winds. That translates to dry conditions which mean fire hazards. What a wild weather week we have had.

  3. Grandchildren make the world go least in my book anyway. These two beautiful ladies look like they could brighten up anybody's world with their presence. I'm so glad you got to have a nice visit, Connie. ~Andrea xoxo

  4. I have driven a push button drive. At one time this was a great convenience.

  5. I can't imagine how to get by with such long nails! :-)

  6. How does Savannah function with such long nails? I would be stabbing myself left and right. So happy they stopped by your house for a visit.

  7. I know which nails I'd rather have :-D

  8. Something I'll never have is grandchildren. But I do have a GrandYorkie! Those are some mighty nails, I wouldn't be able to maneuver those if my life depended on it!

  9. Very pretty young ladies! How nice that they visit.

  10. You have lovely granddaughters. With lovely nails.

  11. Wow! Those are some nails! I could never function with them. I would break them within the first 10 minutes. I'm so glad they're such good friends. I wish our kids lived closer to each other so their kids would grow up close but I don't see that ever happening.

  12. My nails are about as short as you can get them, as would be expected from a person who digs on the dirt, but different strokes for different folks. The cool this is that they visited and made you laugh!

  13. How cute are they! I always wonder how people function with those long nails but I guess you get used to it. I wouldn't be able to do!

  14. I'm so glad you got to see both of them! They are both beautiful and you can tell by their nails which one has two young children!

  15. Never understood the fascination with really long nails. They get in the way!
    I had a friend who had a Chrysler car with push button drive. He called her Polly.

  16. Our grand kids seem to grow up faster than anything.

  17. That is such a great photo of those girls checking out the Tilly. I had a push button one also, given to me by a pushy father-in-law, because he thought I was going to kill his daughter in a smaller car that he didn't like. She died of leukemia later a few years and I didn't cause it.


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