Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Golden Sunset

 We had a very golden sunset.  

We went for a ride after supper but headed home before sunset.  So I took this photo in the yard. 

We both have busy days, I am still helping my parents sort through "stuff"  and Far Guy is busy with his old car Tilly and some yard work.  He has also been the cook.   I am tired when I get home.

Gas made a big jump yesterday it is now $4.19 a gallon. 

Far Side


  1. Have enjoyed your blog for many years. Had a beloved dog named Mischief. Her and Chance could have been twins. They are always in in our hearts. Just wanted to comment on gas prices. In our area of northern CA the prices go from $5.69 to $6.29. Makes it hard for everyone. Take care. Thanks for such a great blog.

  2. Beautiful sunset. Gas is astronomical these days, here too.

  3. He named the car Tilly? You know the relationship is serious now....

  4. The gas prices are kind of scary. We're leaving tomorrow to drive to Denver for our nephew's wedding. Flying might have been cheaper in the long run.

  5. I am fortunate in that I don't pay much attention to gas prices. We live close to work, don't travel far much of the year and drive fairly fuel efficient vehicles.

  6. Sunset so nice.
    Maybe we all need to drill oil wells?

  7. Going through decades of accumulated “stuff” is difficult- emotionally and physically. I’m glad you’re there to help your parents with this chore.

  8. $6.09 here in Northern CA. You'll be there before long.

  9. Yes, gasoline is awful. It's a good thing we don't go too many places and not far from home at that. Take good care helping with your parents' stuff, Connie. I'll bet you ARE tired indeed, after your day is done. ~Andrea xoxo

  10. I try not to pay attention to the price of gas although it is usually cheaper here than most of the nation. I think it's because we are closer to the gulf where it's shipped from. Pretty sunset!

  11. We have the highest gas prices in the country. That's partly because of our state gas tax, but also for some unknown reason that is now being investigated, since we have refineries here in state.

  12. Beautiful sunset! I know your exhaustion, I spent 8 months clearing and fixing my mother's house. It wears you out. I filled my car last week. $70

  13. It's so hard to sort through a lifetime of memories. It is exhausting.
    We were shocked when we got back yesterday and saw the difference in the gas prices since we left.

  14. I love the sunset through the woods! That must be wearing you out helping your parents go through things. I did that for my parents and for Tom's parents. It is physically and emotionally difficult. I imagine Far Guy wants to get Tilly ready for her favorite season!

  15. the first gas I ever bought was 27 cents a gallon.

  16. Sorting is so exhausting. Our friends showed up to help my my parents house one day and they helped us clear out my mom's closet, dump room. We found two sewing machines in there which I gave to the friends. Also found valuable documents among all the stuff.

  17. Going through stuff is important business.

  18. You guys are always busy! Keeps you young :)

  19. Gas is almost $9 gal. In my part of Ontario.

  20. Busy days, but I am glad you both took some time out to go biking. Beautiful sunset :)

  21. Yes, gas made a jump here too. I am considering more fancy hot wire fencing for the areas I don't want to mow and letting the mules take care of it.

    Sorting for your folks is not an easy job.

  22. We once volunteered to help a man in long-term care empty his room of his recently late wife's stuff. It helped that we were unattached to stuff.
    Helpful to have someone cook.


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