Friday, May 20, 2022

Another Mystery

 My Maternal Grandmother had an interesting piece of jewelry.  I recall when it was purchased for her.  I found it among some old jewelry that my Mom put up for sale.   I took it out and said "I remember this"  Mom said  "Well so do I.  I think I will keep it for a little while longer"  So I pinned it to her shirt. 

There are 18 stones...she had 12 is a bit of a mystery.  My Uncle and Aunt that were born last are November there should be two amber colored stones side by it is still  a mystery...I do recall how thrilled my grandmother was to receive this gift....perhaps that is enough.

Far Side


  1. Another very interesting find. Wonder if the extra stones are for miscarriages or still born babies?

  2. I have a lot of jewelry mysteries unfortunately. Things just never mattered to me until it was too late to find out.

  3. Maybe extra stones are for them and their parents? I guess that still doesn't explain the lack of topaz stones. When I had my mother's ring made, I had Dennis and I on each end and the three kids in the middle.

  4. My first thought was the same as the other comment - maybe for miscarriages or still births. It's really pretty and hopefully with continue to stay in the family. Maybe the mystery will be solved some day.

  5. How beautiful, Connie! Linda, the commenter above, has a good idea...maybe the extra stones are for miscarried children. Perhaps one of the stones could be for your grandmother? You may never know. ~Andrea xoxo

  6. Could it be 12 children, mom and dad, and four grandparents? It is a lovely keepsake.

  7. Okay, another guess. Could it be someone's grandchildren's birthstones.

  8. My mother had a ring from her mother ( my grandmother..) Or perhaps great grandma... but it had a bunch of stones (8, I think) for all of the kids she had. ( They were they had a LOT) I never knew why mom kept it, because none of those stones matched my brother or my birth month. And all of my Uncles are now dead. But I guess Nostalgia is a stubborn thing. Mom kept a lot of old stuff from relatives that my brother and I never bothered to hold on to. Guess it does not matter when we do not share the same memories. But Mom liked them... and Kept them.

  9. That is a mystery. Remembering your grandmother's happiness at receiving the pin is special. Just read back at posts I've usual.:) Left you a comment or two.

  10. So glad she didn’t sell it. I love it.

  11. That brooch is so pretty and very unusual too. Good thing that didn't get sold to strangers.

  12. Very pretty pin. I'm glad your Mom kept it!

  13. Maybe the pin was something she admired. I have my MIL's old pins and I often stick one on my baseball cap when running errands in town. I get a odd look but I don't care! They are neat and flashy!

    Lovely, I am glad your mom kept it.

  14. More than likely it wasn't a mystery to her. :) Just those who come behind.

  15. I thought of grandchildren. My grandmother had a charm bracelet that started with her kids, then grands, and then great-grands. How many were around when she got this as a gift? It is a puzzle. But it is a striking piece.

  16. I don't wear jewelry much but I can appreciate it and I love that piece...very pretty!


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