Friday, December 7, 2018

Dec 7

“A day which will live in infamy.” FDR

solar light (2)

16 Million Soldiers were involved in WWII  The Greatest Generation. The old soldiers are dying at a rate of 348 a day.  There are 496,777 alive in the United States.  Just like our number of lakes we have 10,133 WWII Veterans that are alive in Minnesota. This WWII site has more statistics per state.

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  1. A Day we should never forget. My father fought in WW!!. He passed away 11 years ago.

  2. We should never forget. I fear some of the younger generation has already forgotten the things that these great war heroes fought and died for. Blessings, Betsy

  3. One of the most awe inspiring places I've ever visited is Pearl Harbor and the Arizona Memorial. It gave me goosebumps just trying to imagine that day. My father and uncles and father-in-law were all WWII veterans who had little to say about the war. Wish I could go back in time to thank them for their service.

  4. A day we should never forget...but sadly There are those who do not care and will never understand.

  5. God Bless everyone of the brave young men and women who served in WWII

  6. My Dad was in the navy in WWII. Died in that car crash three years ago. I'm still kind of surprised there's almost half a million WWII veterans still alive. God bless them all. :)

  7. Thank you for mentioning this today. I fear the younger generations do not understand the true meaning and importance of this war. I grew up hearing about it as my Dad and all my uncles fought in it. I lost one uncle whose plane was shot down over the English Channel. All of those that fought in this war should always be remembered and honored.

  8. My dad on the farm would remind us all what the day meant. He wanted us to know. Little did I know that I was born five years later after he had retuned to the United States. When he was reminding us, I am sure he was relieving it all. He has been gone 18 years now.

  9. I realize today is Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day but just to remind people there are still young men and women who are fighting overseas and losing their limbs and/or their life...they are veterans too. I must admit though WW2 was the one war no one argued about and everyone got behind. The wars now a days aren't declared wars for political reasons...they just start and go on and on forever it seems and there's no real news about them or updates.

  10. I didn't think there were that many Pearl Harbor veterans left.

  11. Interesting data at that website. Thanks for sharing. At first, I wondered what the numbers would be if they were divided out per capita...but then I took a look at Florida's numbers and realized the chart isn't showing where the veterans came from; it's showing where they live now. Of course the sunshine states will have larger numbers ;)

  12. I remembered the event when I first woke up and saw the date. It will never stop meaning Pearl Harbor to me. It's been part of my entire life. So many of my family members served then and some still serve today.

  13. Those statistics astound me. So many soldiers, so many lives altered, so many hellish days that followed this one in 1941. Our victory was costly.


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